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School rolled past me, faster than I could track. I wasn't really doing any work, anyway. I did hear that Justin left the school all of a sudden. I wonder what's up with him. Probably the alleyway.
'I told the guy not to worry, I'd protect him.' The mask said. 'A deranged killer if I've ever seen one. We are killing for a purpose. But, as I've pointed out, a lot of Tyrants and deranged killers use us as tools to make life easier.' The mask had a lot to talk about. Seemed the previous user was boring. Great. Break appeared, and I hung around with the usual group, and meandered about afterwards. Nothing special. That would happen at lunchtime.
'You got any idea what you want to do?' The mask asked me a few time. Every time, I shook my head. I had a few odd ideas, but nothing really stuck. I was torn between doing it quickly, or making it slow and painful, so he'd feel what I felt. I told Red I wanted to meet him on the 2nd floor, and English room. The only one there. I just prayed it would be empty. If there was a teacher, it would be really awkward.
'I can get rid of that' the mask chipped in.
'What? The teacher?' I replied, hoping
'Yeah, quite easily. I'll just plant the thoughts in their head that it would be a good time to take a break from her coursework for the whole of lunch. I'm sure I can convince her. As long as the obstacle is gone, we can rejoice. Or mourn. It's up to you really.' The mask finished.
3rd period was science, and the teacher decided to explain the human skeleton, and work out how and where to reinforce you body.
"Otherwise your really exposed to all sorts of problems. Especially since the muggings have increased. If someone hits you here" he pointed at the kneecap back "with a bladed weapon, it's over. You can't run. You can't use your legs. SO BE WARY." He finished his speech as the bell rang. 4th period was sport. I didn't do anything, and pulled an excuse that my head hurt. It got me out of doing anything. I left my bag in the changing room, but made sure it looked like everyone else's. The mask could still speak to me though. So I had a good period. It told me stories of blood filled murder sprees, and torture, and stuff like that. I lapped it up, obviously. I love a good bit of blood in movies and books. But no one reads those anymore. I can't see how I could morph into Hyde, but damn I'm gonna try.

Lunch came along. A lot faster than I thought it would. It told me it's time by smashing the bell. Allowing no hesitation, I decided to speed walk towards the 2nd floor. Climbing the steps took a lot longer than I thought it would. Every step told me that I was going to murder a person, all who would be upset, all that couldn't handle it. Maybe I should just turn back. I mean, no one would know, would they?
'This is your first kill, so your gonna be nervous. It's natural. Breathe. Right, you want this Lady right?' The mask confirmed my thoughts on murder.
'Yeah, Alright. I got this, right?' I asked it. It knew more than me at this point
'Of course you do!' Don't kid yourself. It won't get you far.' It's reply was almost instantaneous. Maybe it can read the future? I mean it's a fucking god weapon, it could probably do anything.
'Head up, my boy. Target ahead.' The mask made me lose thought. Looking up, I saw Red, leaning by the door, holding his phone and messaging a few people.
"Hey! Is it alright if I come back in about 15 minutes? Girl needs me, you know how it is" he winked as he said 'girl'. It was as if he knew....
'Let him. He's said he'll see them in a sec. It'll look awfully suspicious if he suddenly disappeared. You have all the time you need. I'll make sure of that' the mask told me.
"Yeah, go for it. Just make sure we have at least 25 minutes. It's a Looooong problem. Thanks for speaking to me" I put my fake smile on. I'm damn good at this.
"Thanks for trusting me! I'll catch you in a while. I'll make sure I have enough time." He left me with those words as he ran down the stairs. And there I was, alone.
'Let me do my thing.' The mask suddenly started vibrating. Very slightly, however. I only noticed because I had basically nothing in my bag. A few seconds later, the teacher in the classroom in front of me stepped out and asked
"Are you doing anything this lunch?" 
This must be the mask's doing. Alright, let's play this off. Easy. People were still walking past.
"I don't think so, no. How can I help?" I asked as politely as possible. Damn, this was painful. How can teachers pets do this all the time puzzles me.
"Can you look after my classroom for a little while? I think that I've misplaced something in the Teachers room. I'll be back as soon as I've found it." He handed me her keys, which were also attached to the cupboard keys. My imagination ran wild with what I could do with the stuff in an English cupboard.
"Of course! I'm happy to help!" I said as bubbling as I could, taking the keys off of the teacher and stepping into the classroom.
"Be back as soon as I can!" The teacher shouted as he went the same way as Red.
I sat there for 15 minutes, trying to figure out what I was going to do to him. I had nothing.
'Are you gonna put me on?' The mask questioned
'When I've disabled him. I will then.' I promised. How hollow it was. Before I knew what was going on, there was a knock at the door. It was Red
"Come in. I've got us a quiet spot" I said quietly as he strolled in. He looked pleased with himself. I'll wipe that smirk off your fucking face.
"Sorry I'm a hit late. Okay, I'm ready. Start from the beginning"

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