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Justin wasn't alone. He was with someone else. Someone... Older. She seemed to be a babysitter almost, a few steps behind him.
"You took your damn time" I said without properly looking up "I was beginning to think you'd ran off and left me with this"
I kicked the mask.
He started stirring.
I kicked it harder.
No noise emanated from it.
Justin looked taken aback. "I'd never leave you!" He said almost instantly "you know we're good friends. I'd do what I need to to keep you happy" . What a blatant lie. What about her, huh? What about her...? I mumbled her name under my breath, and Justin looked quizzically at me. One day he's gonna work out, and I'm gonna be in deep shit. He's not gonna like me if I like the same person as red. His life revolves around that cunt.
Whoever was with Justin was clearly creeped out by whatever it was. She almost cowered as she saw the thing in the floor. I wasn't surprised. I'd do the same
"What-wha? What is that?" She stumbled back "WHAT IS THAT?!?" She looked like she'd seen a ghost.
"I don't exactly know." I replied, still keeping my eyes low. They'd give me away. I kept getting the odd looks from Justin and the odd noise from whoever was with him.
"Anything different happen whilst I was gone?" Justin asks
"No, but there's an odd smell in the air..." I hinted, still keeping my eyes glazed and low.
"He's probably shit himself" the receptionist muttered. I threw her a glare. The ice between us was clearly not going to be broken. Justin stepped around me, following the smell of... Whatever you want to call it. It's not even a sight to behold when Justin finds the corpse. Everything stops. Time freezes as he rounds the corner. The voice in my mind says 'shit. We're off to jail.' He stops, still, and I can see his mind wondering. He looks at it, then me.
"Did you... Find this?" He asked, shocked at what that was.
"No!" I retorted "I saw it but I swear I didn't do anything."
"Do what?" The receptionist said "what have you found?" She turns the corner, and screams. So loud that the sound still rings in my ears whenever I imagine the sound. She then proceeded to faint, fall almost in slow motion, and hit her head on the concrete ground. Hard. Her body flops behind her. Her head seems bent in. There's a slight hole, and blood is coming out of one side, staining the floor. Her eyes frozen in a shock position, forever. No matter what happened, I always remember those eyes. Wide open, pupils dilated, dark brown eyes staring into my soul, even when she was dead... Heh. Probably why she killed herself. She saw what was inside me.
And it scared her.

"go home" I told Justin.
"What?" He looked surprised "what about the cops?"
"Well the scene is here and you called them. So they're coming anyway" I replied
"And... I told them the whole story. So why wouldn't they believe me?" Justin pondered to himself. I could see his mind whirring away, trying to work out what the best angle was
"Sure. I'll go. But tell them EVERYTHING." He glared at me. As if he knew I wanted to lie.
"Alright" I told him. "Now go home" And he did. He turned around, and left. Didn't even look back. As if he knew shit was going down.
'He's gone' the mask chimed in with its say
'Yeah I can tell' I replied 'what's this with the mask then? You screamed about it a minute ago!'
'Alright. Alright. You out it on... And everything you want becomes real. Everything you don't.... Crrrrrrriiickkkkk' the mask made the sound of a neck breaking.
'That sounds crazy....' I pondered
'I sense a but coming.....' If the voice could smirk it would. I mean, how bad could it be? Having everything you want? I mean: money, power, her.....
'Fuck it. I'll put it on. But only for a second' I said, walking back to knockout.
'Alright. And if you don't like it. Leave it' the voice lulled my thoughts. Fuck it. I tried taking the mask off. It wouldn't budge. It was like it was superglued to the face. I pulled harder. And harder. It was slowly being released, like treacle running down a hill. After a while of tugging, it finally came off. And we saw his face. Or... What was left of it.

A ragged shared mess of blood and tissue made up the knockouts face. The neck was fine, but as soon as the mask was taken off I could see the base of his skull. It was indented in some places, but in others it was so clean I could reach out and touch the bone. And I did, brushing the bleached white bone of his forehead and under his eyes. His sockets existed, but not his eyes. Mushy, jelly like substances dangled and filled the sockets. Teeth didn't exist either. Completely annihilated, and his gums were uneven, rocky like a mountain. I didn't dare touch him any more. I feared him to come back to life, crawling after me, screaming 'killer, killer, killer...' He would've done me justice. Would've helped. Would've helped me get over her.
Would've stopped the murder. The cold blooded, frenzied, horrendous killings that cost many people their lives.

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