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As soon as I turned the ground, I get a shudder enter my spine, and exit through my mouth, causing a moan to leave it. I couldn't believe it, but I felt... sorry for whatever was lying in the alleyway. It seemed disconnected from the world, an oddball being replaced. Is focus my feelings later. Opening the doors to the Grill for the second time (a rare moment, no one usually has the money), I quickly ran inside and slammed the door shit behind me. Luckily, it didn't crack or break, I didn't have the money to replace it. The receptionist rounded the corner faster than I could register, and quizzically looked at me.
"Are you okay?" She looked at me as if I was the outsider in the alleyway.
"Call the police" I replied "I don't know who it is, why it's there, but there's a knocked out guy who tried to kill us. He's on the floor, and I've got a friend watching, but-"
"Slow down. What? There's a person who tried to kill you?" She asked. I also noticed, slyly, that her fake smile was gone. She had a pretty face. I had bigger things to worry about than this, but hey, I'm me.
"Yes. He did. I'm lucky I'm alive, and so is my friend. So please, ring the police. Hurry." I said, staring at her, hoping. Pleading.
"O-okay." She turned around, called for the phone, and stared back at me.
"Why not call the police on your phone?" She stared suspiciously
"My phone is out of credit. Completely. I get it tomorrow, but until then it's useless." I replied. I hope she'd believe me. She was the only chance I had. Keeping her eyes on me, she tapped 999 onto the numbers. Took about a second for someone to pick up
"Police. Yes. I have someone here. No, this isn't a prank. I take you very seriously" she handed the phone to me.
"Hello?" I said into the phone
"Yes?" The operator replied
"This is going to sound crazy, and you probably won't believe me, but I need you here with someone armed."
"Why? Shooting? Robbery?"
"Someone... someone just tried to kill us"

It took me about five minutes to explain to the police everything I knew. I left the part out of Grey running away. I said I heard a noise coming from the alleyway, so I investigated. They told me to stay put, just in case I was lying. Of course, I was going to check on Grey. He's probably worried sick. I haven't heard any noise coming from the alleyway, and I'm cautious that the thing is up and moving again. The stunt Grey pulled might've been a one time thing. The receptionist stood with me, waiting.
"It's nice not to see a fake smile" I told her. She looked rather taken aback.
"Yeah, it's company policy." She replied, keeping an eye on the door as if it was going to eat her.
"Still, your face looks much better when you don't" I retorted. She blushed
"Thanks I suppose"
"Your welcome. Listen, I need to go check on my friend."
"The one watching the killer?"
"I-I mean I should come with you. Just to make sure you aren't running."
It didn't really impact me. After all, the story seemed full of holes. I'm sure she had the thoughts of this kid is crazy, or, liar. Just another corrupted kid wasting the cops time. Honestly, why can't we be rid of you?
It really wouldn't surprise me. Still, she let me step back outside, back into the world. I could've run. She was a few feet behind me. I could've tripped her and ran. I could've never come back. Never worry. Never think about what lead to what. But it was too late.
It was already unleashed.

Turning the corner again, I was prepared for the worst. I was prepared for blood, guts, and Grey's limp body opened and his innards becoming outwards. I was expecting to see whatever it was on the floor chewing on some live or lung or something creepy like that. However, a small part of me expected Grey to be standing over it, knife in hand, stabbing it. Protecting himself.
I got none of it.
Grey was kicking the things mask, waiting for us. No blood, no innards, just him and whatever the fuck it was. I had some time to think, and I still couldn't think of what it was. It looked human. It wore human clothes, talked like a human, even swung like a human, but I knew it wasn't. No one would kill students who were innocent. I mean why would you?
If only that was true.
"You took your damn time." Grey murmured. "I was beginning to think you just ran off and left me with this." He kicked whatever it was in the mask.
"I would never leave you!" I looked at him "you know we're good friends. I'd do what I need to to keep you happy"
He murmured again. I couldn't hear it. I wish I did.

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