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Waking up on Sunday, after burning a corpse that was killed, really isn't too easy. Don't believe me? Try it. I'm not going to stop you. Still, I managed. I'm still sane, somehow. But I regret what I did. I do now. Doesn't matter what I do, she'll be there. Getting up, I did the morning norm, and ended up spending the day chatting to some friends on my phone, video games, and some TV. Occasional naps also twined their way into my 'busy' schedule. I'd wake up sweating whenever I did though. Her eyes. Red as blood. Such a strange thing. Must've been hyped up on something. Yeah! Her dealer must've killed her. Makes sense. Still, I'd rather not speak to the police. A police record isn't the thing on my mind right now. Remaining out of jail would help me get on with my life. Anyways, I'm off topic. I was in the middle of a catnap, watching the receptionist being stabbed repeatedly, when my loud as fuck ringtone finally snapped me out of my nightmare. Groggily looking around, I looked for it. Ah, on my lap. I'm lucky it didn't launch out of my lap. I answered.
"Woah... calm. I just woke up. Alright, yeah?" Reds voice on the other end, I recognised.
"SHE SAID YES! HOLY SHIT!" Red seemed ecstatic. It took a minute to sink in. Then, out of nowhere, a sprout of happiness buried itself in the soil of my body.
"My man! How though? What happened?" I asked, really pleased.
"We were out, yeah? And I was just chilling with her, brought a meal down at The Grill, and she just said yes. We hugged right there and then. Oh, it was FABULOUS!" Red couldn't stop speaking 'I'm really happy. I've waited so long.... thanks'
"Thanks?" I asked, surprised. "Thanks for what?"
"For being there, dummy!" He laughed. "I could've done it without you. It means a lot."
"Don't worry about it man. Did you all meet up in the end?" I changed the topic. We had a nice chat. It was great.  I was really happy that he finally got what he wanted.
Too bad it was the last time I'd speak to him on a weekend.

Around midnight, I got a call from Grey. It was fairly weird, since it was Monday night, but hey, I usually always pick up.
"Mmm-hmm?" I said into the phone, hoping I was sleeping.
"I haven't spoken to you since... I just wanted to check you were alright" Grey sounded stressed. Shit. Just what I needed...
"Yeah, it's great. Guess what?" I wanted him to hear. I thought he'd be really happy
"Yeah?" Tyler replied, waiting.
"Red, and Mercedes are a thing." I stopped to let it sink him.
Silence emitted from the other end.
"Grey?" I asked
Silence. Huh
"That's great!" His voice reappeared. Somewhat.... deeper. "I'm really happy for him. Your okay though?"
"Good good. Anyways, just thought I'd check in. See you!"
The phone hung up before I could even say goodbye. Huh. How odd...
I put the phone down and concentrated on sleep.

School rolled around too early, kicking me in the teeth with an early alarm. Yawning, I raised myself up, and hacked my way through weariness to the bathroom. After getting showered, brushing my teeth, and dressing, I proceeded towards the kitchen. Made myself some breakfast, and stepped outside after I finished it. Cold. Dark. Dank, in a way, as if a mist hung over the town. Well, I'm wearing a coat. Rain seems to appear as soon as I don't.
Are you sure it's that? Are you sure it's not just so you can keep your innocent uniform clean as you kill another?
Nah, I just hate the rain. If I die, you die with me. Well, what can I say? I like living.
Silence from the dark part of my brain. Good. Love a good bit of silence. Heading inside, I made sure the house was clean. One less job to do when I left. I took my phone off charge, making sure I had full battery. If my charger broke... After doing so, I sat down, and waited, busting myself. Finally, the time rolled around. I strolled outside, and saw Red up the road, waving. Wow, the boy was happy. I sprinted up to him, he clearly didn't want to wait.
"Hey!" He said as I approached steadily. "Wow, you need to work on your cardio. Like, seriously"
"Thanks..." I said steadily, looking him up and down. He actually looked... clean. As if this relationship cleared him up. Well, I'm happy for him. As long as his heart isn't broken. Then I'll break someone.
"So, it happened huh?" I wanted a topic that would last us until school appeared. It did. Easily. He could've gone on for another hour. When we came to the gates, I always thought the same thing: prison. I don't know why. A gate at the front, and one at the back, let us out. Until then, we were surrounded by a see through metal fence (It was climbable. I've done it many a times. It also helps that there's no fence at the back.) The field was huge, as expected with a high school, but what with the weather, I doubt that anyone would be on it today. The education was split into three locations: Maths and Science in a long corridor type building at the back, History, Geography, RE, and PE (writing) happened in the main building. The nurses office and other important places were here as well. Finally, at the back, was computing and Music. We called it the Glass Case, as if was glass, with metal reinforcement and brick in places. At least it took electricity. I usually hung around the main building at the breaks they allowed us. It was good enough. I hung around with the usuals: Red, Grey, Mercedes, Blondie, and Wright. All of us are similar, in some way. Or a thought we were... turns out, one of us...
One of us was a killer.

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