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Your in the shit this time. You've gone and messed us up.
I haven't. Not yet anyway.
Oh really? What's your excuse for going ape-shit crazy on that kid then?
His name is Ryan, for one. And, to be honest, my excuse is he insulted my best friend, who is currently dead and in a grave.
We should find the person who killed Red! We could be like famous detectives! I'm Sherlock. Your my lackey.
This is my body, idiot.
Quiet, lackey. Someone in a suit is speaking to you. It looks important.
"-Any idea how many school rules, not to mention laws, you've just violated? You better have a good explanation, or I'm going to call the police and have you slung so far in jail that you won't see the daylight for YEARS!" The head teacher spat at me. I'm in deep shit at this point then. Saving myself might be impossible, but I could do it. The problem is is that I feel like Ryan is gonna be out for my blood if I stay here. Seriously, I got lucky. I guess he wasn't expecting it. Still, I must've looked pretty cool, or pretty terrifying, whilst I was towering over him. Looking down at myself, I realised there was speckles of blood on my trousers, dotting them around. My hands were coated, as if I'd just stabbed someone and rolled my hands around in the mess I'd made. I probably would make a mess at that point. I'm very inexperienced. That's good, though, because Ryan is still breathing. I hope....
"He's still breathing, right?" My voice defiantly cut through the veil of silence surrounding me and the house. The head looked a bit taken aback by this, and just stared at me for five seconds.
"I hope so, for your sake and the schools sake." The PE teacher at the back said. The rope was tied neatly around his arm, in a secure loop. Maybe if I knocked out the head, I could take on the other one? No, I'm just digging a hole at that point. And the police will put a bullet in me to knock me in there.
"He made fun of Red" I explained, tearing up slightly "He.. he said that Red's death allowed him to get with Red's current girlfriend. It changed me, and I just- I just lost it. I knocked him out, and as he laid there, I told him if he messes with anyone again, I'd finish the job. I obviously didn't mean it-"
"Suuurrreee" The PE teacher cut in.
"-BUT" I said, throwing a meaningful glance "he told me I should run away. I turned and kicked him in the nose. And I just kept going until someone pulled me away." With my explanation finished, the head looked at me differently: A sense of loyalty beyond the grave look. Here we go...
"I can't tell you what you did was right, but I can say I would've done the same thing. I have to do some sort of punishment, I'm afraid. Detention for a month is the smallest, and Jail is the largest. Take your pick."
"Detention for a month." I said instantly. At least I would be able to breathe and work out the damn killer. I'd have plenty of time.
"Alright. I'll have to keep you here until the end of the day. Standard procedure I'm afraid. Your free to wander around the closed spaces." The head teacher seemed a lot more relaxed than angry all of a sudden. Well, I'm glad
You are the luckiest cunt I've ever seen. You better keep luck outta this, lackey.

"So, you hear about the fight then?" I asked Anna as I was leaving for school. She was wearing the school issue clothes: a blazer, unbuttoned after school, skirt, one that actually covers her body, and black shoes, pointed and polished at the end. I thought it made her look nice. When I brought it up, she blushed and said it was just what she normally wore. It was just after school when I was walking out. I spent all day admiring my bruises and dealing with the strange looks the teachers gave me all day. If only I had some sort of shower or wipes at least. I asked one teacher, but they just backed away, saying "please don't hurt me, I don't know anything!" So I just left them to do them. Anna was waiting for me, even after everyone left, which I was very thankful for. I asked where her friends were, and she told me they'd left. I'm sure they suspect something. She was pretty though. She was standing under the tree near the exit, and the sunlight glanced off of her facial features. As we started walking home, I saw one of the older people walking towards us. She instantly pulled me along faster until we turned the corner and got onto the main road. At least we were heading the right way.
"You know the big guy back there?" Anna asked me, looking into my eyes
"The tall, intimidating, don't-fuck-with-me looking one?" I joked. She laughed, at least. Thank god. She was still smiling, even through a break up.
"He was my boyfriend..." she lingered at the word 'boyfriend'. As if that cunt deserved her.
You can't have her either. Your mine, bitch. You'll go crazy, and I'll make sure you do. Focus on me, not her. ME! ME!
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
"Justin?" Anna was looking up at me, blue eyes glistening slightly, and button nose tilted slightly in worry. She was pretty...
"Yeah. I think so. Anyway, what happened?" I questioned, trying to change the subject.
"He... he cheated on me. A lot. With older women. He... he wanted someone's body more than my love. HE WANTED WHORES INSTEAD OF ACTUAL LOVE!" She screamed again, like I found her. Fuck. I've gotta stop this. So, without thinking, I pulled her into a hug. She froze, and shuddered at first, but then her hands gripped my back hard. She wouldn't let go, not even when I did. She wanted one of these badly. After a really, REALLY long time, she let go, wiping tears from her eyes.
"Thank you." She said "not many people would've done that. I appreciate that" she sniffed, and smiled at me. I felt warmer inside.
"You can speak to me about anything, okay? I know we don't speak often, but you can. Just remember that" I gave her a helpful look that said 'I'm here'. She seemed to look at me differently. With a sense of admiration.
That gave me butterflies.
Creep. You have me. You don't need her. You only need me.
Actually, I might not even need you.
Don't lie. I'm your craziness. You can't run from me, can you?
I can't run from her either.
Silence. Finally. Sweet, sweet silence.

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