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Detention slapped me in the face as I walked in. Monday to Wednesday, after school and before school. Around 20 minutes each. Fun fun fun. I mean, I met a girl, a nice one, a cute one.
You'll kill her. I can tell. Your a dark waste of space.
I mean, I've never seen or heard her before, and I'm in year 10... slightly odd. Maybe she was just new. She reminded me of that receptionist though. That was a problem, but I'm sure I'll move on in time. Another death in a world full of them. The fact is, is that I did kill her, and I can't change that. But I can pretend it didn't happen, and carry on with my life. Bury my thoughts deep inside themselves.
You can't bury me
No, but I can ignore you, easily.
It doesn't matter. I exist. You know that, and you'll never escape me.
I don't want to escape. You help me face up to what I've done.
Slowly, I strolled up to second period as the bell rang. Some sort of  English. Poetry I think. Don't know what good it'll do to me, as I don't plan to become a poet, but whatever floats the grade boats as they say. The fact of the matter is is that the day just got more and more dead as time passed on. Break flashed by, greetings were struck as I walked past a few, and then lunch came along. I ran into Red, as flamboyant as ever, and we struck up a conversation. We were both waiting for Mercedes and Blondie. Wright was doing homework in the library. I have no idea what, and I wished I'd asked. I might have stayed to help him with it if I did. Halfway through lunch, with 20 minutes left, Red said he had to go. He wouldn't tell us where, and wouldn't let us follow him. I thought it was pretty shifty, but I didn't pry. Red had other people, and he had a girl. I wasn't worried about him leaving for long. I should have, but I didn't.
I really didn't.

We headed out towards the front of the main building near the field. The sky looked clearer, but still had the warning of rain inside of it. Myself, Mercedes, and Blondie were just outside, chatting and pissing about, as you do, then all of a sudden, I felt the wind shift, and it become colder. Just slightly, but almost as cold as that night, back in the alley, and that receptionist.... Her eyes, burning. Red. Hatred. Blood. Fury. Lust. Death.
Wake up. It's begun.
"Wh-wha?" I opened my eyes, realising they were glazed. Mercedes was shaking me by the shoulders, trying to wake me up from my daydream
"Are you alright?" Her eyes  scoured me for any signs of pain. This girl really cared. So did Anna. Ah, Anna.....
"Yeah, I'm fine! Don't worry about me, I'm just wondering where Red is" I told her. I saw her physically relax slightly
"Off doing something important I'm sure. Pretty sure that he shouldn't be much longer". It was 1:30 when she said that. And it was 1:50 when Red reappeared. It was me who noticed that the window was opened, and that Red was leaning out of it. But he wasn't leaning right, as if he was being pushed out from the chest. I waved at him, to make sure he was alright, but no response. He didn't even look down: he was looking into the classroom, an English one I think, and I could see fear in his eyes. I shouted to him, to ask what he was doing, but his voice wasn't responding. I could feel everyone else staring up at him, included Mercedes. Her face formed into a mixture of worry and upset. Her eyes started crying. She could see he was in trouble, and she screamed his name. He stopped what he was doing and looked at her. At that moment, he fell out of the window. All I could do was stand there, in shock and awe, as my best friend, the one I stayed up long nights with, the one I conversed with, the one who trusted me with his life, flew out of the second story window. In a cynically funny way, it was slightly comedic. He looked like chicken thrown out of a coop. I heard a scream, but it didn't sound like him. It sounded like a frightened person, not the strong and brave guy I knew. He looked like Icarus falling to the ground. I heard a splatter noise, like a tomato being thrown at a wall, and then a silence so thick I could reach out and touch it. We were the only people outside. He landed two feet away from us, blood emerging from the concrete that his skull and body landed on. The back of his skull was cracked, and skin was ripped off, his brain smashed and oozing water onto the already wet ground. Rain started to lash its way across the field, finally reaching us. His eyes actually fell out of his sockets, they were by his nose, dangling on thin red strings. The body was cut open, and every organ removed. He was a wireless doll, wool ripped out by an angry toddler.  His intestines were in his mouth, and partly emerged out of his spinal cord. I could see streams of food halfway though being digested. His body still spewed blood to replace the emptiness in his body. Almost how pain completely replaced any trace of happiness in me. I fell to my knees, on his blood, and screamed. A long, hard, strained scream that rung its way through the world. I clutched him close, and just screamed why, over and over.
It's begun. I warned you. You didn't listen to me. You should learn to. Look at what happened when you didn't.
Bring my friend back.
I didn't do this. But I could've  prevented it
I didn't do this, and I couldn't fix it, even if I wanted to.
Fuck you. Fuck you. Fucking bitch. Die. I'm going to kill you. I'll kill myself if it kills you. You bastard. YOU FUCKING DID THIS
No, but I could've stopped it.
I can't tell you. That's no fun :)

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