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Ryan out his fists up. He was more ready than me. My arms remained calmly by my side. I heard a shit stirrer say "it's over for him. He's gonna get knocked." Well, let's make it quick. Ryan want finished though "So, when's his funeral? I can't wait to piss on his grave. The waste of space can soak up my urine."
"You should be rotting in hell. You waste of fucking space. You disgust me, laughing at a dead man, my best friend. I'm gonna fucking finish you. I don't care how tall you are, how strong you are, how much of a big man you think you are, your nothing. Your literally WORTHLESS!" I shouted at him. The whispers went completely silent. The only sound was Ryan's steady breathing as he looked at his hands. He then threw a left hook, a lot quicker than I thought, and I took it in the face. It threw me sideways, and had me looking at the floor. I was still standing however, so I sniffed the blood coming out of my nose, and looked back up at his smug, sarky face.
"I just thought I'd let you all know he punched me first" I flashed a smile, and my teeth must have been bloody, because a few people cringed.
"I'm gonna put you with your waster friend, mate." Ryan sneered.
You've lost it. Let it loose on him for fucks sake.
My fist entered his face, square in the nose. He staggered, but I didn't stop. Bringing my elbow up with it, I saw him almost fall, and I kicked him in the gut. I physically felt his body shudder as I connected. The breath wheezed out of him as he hit the fence. He couldn't breathe. I winded him. He was covering his chest, so I hammered a one-two at his face. His eye was swelling, and his mouth was bleeding. I probably took a tooth out. I spin kicked his face, which sent him cascading to the floor. He hit the floor with his head taking the brunt of the blow. His body fell next, crashing like a skyscraper to the cities below. Silence raged throughout the playground. People were even holding their breath.
"Don't ever fuck with me or anyone else again." I said calmly. "I swear, if you do, I'll FINISH THIS FUCKING JOB. YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?!?" I realised my voice and raised my boot, ready to crush him.
"Y-yeah I h-hear." I heard the voice rumble from deep inside him. I turned to leave, but just as I touched the door, I heard him shout "Yeah, you better walk away, you WASTER!"
Before I knew what I was doing, I had run and jump kicked his face. I heard a satisfying crunch as my shoe connected with his face. The body went back to the floor, and his nose was broken. I could tell as it was pointing towards the door, begging me to leave the rest of his face alone.
I kicked him in the stomach. Hard. At the same spot. The vomit rose from his mouth and poured over the area he was down in. His nose was bleeding profusely now. I could tell that this was the day I'd be expelled. I might as well finish off the job. I kicked his face. Again and again. I couldn't stop. Eventually the crowd had clearly had enough, because someone stood in between myself and Ryan. One of his lackeys. I suppose it took me a minute to to realise everyone was still here, that I wasn't dreaming. I stood a bit taller and said
"I'm not a hard man. It may seem like it, but I'm not. I just stick up for myself. You should all do the same. If someone takes the piss out of someone you know well, or someone you love, or someone you respect, stand up. Beat them down if necessary. But make sure they know your point." With my little talk finished, I looked down at what was left of Ryan. Absolute twat.
"You speak of Red again. EVER. AND I WILL SQUISH YOU LIKE THE PATHETIC INSECT YOU ARE. YOU HEAR ME?!?" I screamed at him. The barely conscious Ryan made a noise. Sounded like a drowned cat. I'll take it as a yes. Besides, I Think he'd know what would happen if he didn't. It would be over for him. I wouldn't hold back. His lackeys looked at me with a sense of admiration. You've got to be fucking kidding me... If everyone wants to become friends with me because I won a fight... I left the courts, and everyone exhaled. The bomb was diffused, and everyone was safe and warm again. I still felt empty. But I'd accomplished something for my man up in heaven. I can see him looking down at me, laughing his tits off at the fact that I'd floored someone. Taking a sip out of some sort of fizzy liquid, cheering me in throughout. What a lad he was. I'll forever remember him. I'll find whoever killed you. I swear. And I'll kill them. Just like they killed you. I'll go to jail, but I'll go happy. Red can grin some more. I'm sure he's just waiting for Mercedes. I bet he can't wait to marry her up there. Forever together. As I looked back, teachers were already approaching Ryan. A couple of words were exchanged, and a few kids pointed at me. The teachers locked onto me faster than a fun on a target. I got onto my knees and put my hands on my head.
It's what disgusting criminals do. Waste of space. No better than Red.
I swear to god. I'm gonna cut my head off.
Please do. You'll solve both if our problems.
Before I could reply, a PE teacher tackled me to the floor, holding my hands behind my back. He'd tied them with some sort of rope. How beginner.

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