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I'm sure you wondering who Mercedes and Blondie are. I purposely avoided their names. Hits me hard every time I say them. It's funny, I haven't mentioned Blondie yet. Smallest one out of all of us, minus Grey. He wasn't scrawny, just took a while to actually grow, if you get my idea. Spots, glasses, blue eyes, pale skin. Had the gift of making any person laugh. Then there's Mercedes... haha, what a great person she is. Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin. Had a bubbly personality though, and could make you smile very quickly, no matter your mood. They hung out in our group. Wright? To be honest, next to Red, he's one of the nicest guys I know. Had a high voice, but fuck me he could make you laugh. Blondie and him get along very well. I suppose the true reason I haven't mentioned them is cause they only recently fitted into the picture. You'll see why soon enough.

Monday, as I've established. What a time I've had this weekend. Almost kept me distracted. Lessons are the same: dead. As always. I've never had a fun lesson. It's always do this and do that. I'd rather do what I want. Anyway, halfway through Maths, I decided I was sick of this crap. So I simply stood up and said I wanted to leave.
"The door is there. Obviously, your going to remove, yes?" The teacher looked at me with stone eyes. Here's the thing, boys and girls, these teachers are human. They aren't some force you can't beat. I pulled the 'yeah sure' card, and left. Taking a few steps out, I heard laughter emit from the classroom. Great. Another place I can avoid. After taking a step out, I was on the first floor of the main building. The floors consist of the ground, 1st, and 2nd. We don't really count the second, as it's A levels, and none of us are sent up there. But hey, it's not my problem. I've gone up there a couple of times, as it's quiet. 1st floor consists of a balcony going all the way round the edge, wide enough for a hoard of students to walk down, narrow enough for a teacher to slip past. If you look down, you can see the study hall. What a place. Computers and tables like everywhere, with GCSE students constantly and furiously tapping and writing stuff down. I've got no idea why. In time, I suppose I'll be there. Tapping away, not focusing on the kids who think I'm insane. Not my problem. Anyway, I left the main building, and headed out to the field. It was around 30 minutes into period 1, so I knew no one would be there. To be honest, I leave lessons a lot, but I still get good grades. I just do the work at home whenever I have spare time. I wasn't too bothered at the fact that people would be looking for me. I was more bothered at how I was gonna get rid of what I'd done.
Invisible blood on your hands. It's never going. You'll live with this. Forever. And ever. I'll still be here when you go to Hell. You can't escape me.
What makes you think I want to?
I can't feel it in your mind. I am your mind now
Heh. Well if I die, and Hell tortures me, then your out of a job.
Going towards the back of the field, there's a hedge you can cut round, and it lets you leave. It's simple and easy to do. As I did, I noticed I wasn't alone.
There was a girl there.
She was around the same size as me, neat uniform, nice hear, blonde, curled. Brown eyes, like me. An expensive looking coat covered her, wrapping her in some form of heat again the cold. She was crying. I wasn't too close, but I could hear her sniffling and weeping. She looked up really quickly, as if I'd come here to punish her, and lept up. I put my hands up really quickly, to show I wasn't a threat, and sat down by the opening. A field extended into the back of the city itself. I'd planned to get a quick breather before I went back. Just let everything sink in.
The girl looked me up and down, as if I wasn't too important, and then sat back down.
"Why are you here?" Her voice sounded quite middle eastern. Her question actually threw me, so being the dumb guy I was, I just said "I dunno. I had to leave" she stared at me again, as if she wanted a return question. For fucks sake....
"Why are you here?" I asked her.
"My boyfriend just broke up with me." She said, almost crying again. "I really loved him, and I thought he loved me. Then he went and stabbed me in the back!" She started crying again. She rocked herself for a couple of seconds before coming back to life. "He dumped me for some SKANK!" She screamed through tears. Her makeup was ruined, but, to be fair, she wasn't wearing much. "HE DIDN'T EVEN GET HER" she screamed again, as if to confirm this.
"I've got no experience, but breathe. You'll die crying, and I don't really want to bring you back to life" my attempt at a joke was met with silence.
"Maybe he just needs time to take you back. I'm sure he loves you really. I know that boys are a bit dumb at times, as we all are. We just need a couple of seconds to realise what we've done, and then we come back and fix it." I explained. She seemed to stop crying, and brushed her eyes, taking the makeup splotches off. When she looked up, I saw she looked much better without it.
"Your name?" She asked, snapping me back to reality.
"Oh, I'm Justin. You?" I asked
"Anna. I'm glad I found you... Justin time!" She joked. At least she wasn't crying. I mean, added bonus I guess.
"Ha ha. Anyways, I best be getting back. They've probably sent people to look for me. I hope I see you around." I said wondering off towards the school.
"Me too. Thank you!" She called after me. Wow, she was pretty. Seemed really nice as well. Don't find those people often. I genuinely hope I see her again.
So you can kill her? Kill her like you did the poor girl at The Grill? People like you don't form relationships. They fall down when they found out what your doing. You can't keep this up for-
Shut up

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