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My head hurt.
That was good though. It meant I was alive. And alive means I can still work out what I'm doing.
Your fucked anyway. Your gonna die. Your pathetic. Someone will squish you
Shut. The fuck. Up. Alright?
Lifting up my head, I realised I was at home, on my sofa, asleep, with my phone in my hand. Wh-what? Could all of that have been a dream? Surely not... I mean, the stab wound would have probably killed me, but then again a lot of crazy things much more complex than that have happened lately. Exhibit A: me beating Ryan.
Ryan? He's dead.
Check. Text Gray. He'll tell you. Better yet, check your phone lackey. We need all the clues we can get for this murder mystery
Maybe this was a dream? It is possible. I mean, I got stabbed for fucks sake. You rarely survive that, if ever.

It's when I saw Anna, reading something with tears in her eyes, that I realised it wasn't a dream. I actually got stabbed, and almost died. My hands slowly went towards the wound, and I felt a slight gap under a tight set of bandages that stopped the blood form leaking everywhere. Anna snapped up at the sound of my noise, and wept. She cried for a good second solid before I sat up and tried to get to her. I say 'tried' because I was clearly weak form shock or blood loss or something, and I fell flat on my face. Fortunately, she found that funny, and started to laugh through her tears. It was a soft, cute laugh that reminds you that good things are out there.
"Are you.. feeling okay?" She asked hesitantly as she lifted me back up
"I mean, I'm breathing. And your he- you brought me back here, so yes, I am." I quickly covered my verbal slip by laying back down. There was a dull throbbing pain emanating from the wound itself, sending vivid stabs of pain through my entire body. Fuck, that's gonna put me out for a while.
"Rest, your hurt. I can see that from here." Anna gently pushed me back. I let her, because she was doing what was best for me.
Why don't you just save her the trouble and off yourself? Happy days for everyone
Not until I find who killed Red
Oh, Quit it. You'll never find them. You're an utter idiot. You have no fucking idea what your doing
Shut up. I do sometimes.
"You need some food? You've been cold for 2 days." She said quietly.
"I've been asleep for 2 days?!" I shot
Up, about to climb out, but Anna pushed me more forcefully down.
"SIT." She commanded. I obeyed because her shouting made me freeze on the spot. Fuck, that's scary.
"What happened to that guy who... said hello?" I tried to make a joke, but I could see a tear brimming in her eye. Fuck, Justin, you utter idiot.
"I haven't done anything. I'm too afraid. I'm so scared that I don't know what to do. He came to my house..." she trailed off, stuck in her own thoughts.
This guy didn't quit did he? Not only did he harass he at school, but he came to her house. What. The. Fuck.
"I can't go home. He'll find me. I'm so afraid Justin..." she started crying again, and I couldn't take sitting here and doing nothing. I straightened up and pulled her into a hug. She shook at first, frozen, but she hugged back as she let everything out onto my shoulder. It took a good 10 minutes before she was stable again, and even then it was the loosest definition of 'stable'.
"I have no where to go either. Ive slept on the floor here, so I can watch you." She pointed to a place in which a thin blanket and her blazer were in place. She slept like that? Oh no, things are changing right now.
"Let me make a call real quick." I said, picking my phone up properly and calling my mum. She picked up, and we spoke. It was a quick argument, then a curt agreement. She hung up first, which wasn't a good sign, but I'll count my blessings when I have to.
"So I just spoke to my mum, and she said..."
I paused. I don't know why,
I just couldn't say it
"she said.." Come on, Justin.
"She said you could stay. Here." I finally spat out. I saw her face morph from depression to a look of utter joy and happiness. She even squealed.
"WAIT!" I shouted, before she could go nuts. She stopped halfway, thankfully.
"We need to change something. Since I can't move currently, you have my bedroom. When I'm on my feet again, I'll clear the guest bedroom and you can stay and even sleep in that, okay?" I stated. She nodded like a jack in the box at that idea. I'm glad I pleased someone today

The next week passed by in a blur. Anna looked after me. Mum eventually found out I got stabbed. She said Anna was welcome for as long as she needed to be, and even sent her a credit card with money for herself on it. She was really happy and never stopped saying thanks. I slowly worked my way back into my feet, and managed to walk and, after an extreme effort, run. It was freeing to be able to run around again, to experience movement. Even Anna was smiling when I was. That just made mine even wider. We spent a lot of nights together, eating together, speaking about our lives, watching stuff. It was as if we were becoming family.

Then came the fateful day we returned to pick up her stuff.

Her parents were never home, so we didn't have trouble. She produced a key and went through the door. I followed suit. It was only when we went towards the kitchen did it happen.
The ex was there.
And he held a shotgun.

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