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Standing with this 6 foot 4 man looming above me, fists clenched and ready to knock me to hell, should've deterred me. But I was really pissed off at the fact that he thought he could just knock me like that. I wanted to knock him one. Not kill him, just knock him.
'Don't you see?' The mask was trying to tell me something.
'No. I clearly don't. All I see is a man ready to smack the fuck out of me unless I concentrate.' I said bluntly.
'This is fate.' The mask carried on, completely passing my insult and explaining itself. 'Fate wanted all witnesses killed. And it brought us the last one. What a kind soul it is. Plus, it's good for you. No one would know it was you.'
The bloke threw a left hook, and I dodged. Only just though, as I felt the wind pass me. What a power he had. Shit. I'd have to be careful. Some effort would be required. He followed up with a right, which I unfortunately took in the chest. It rushed the breath out of me as I was hit a couple of steps back. The man smiled, but it wasn't a nice one. It was a grim, deterred, and a 'I'm going to gut you like a fish' smile. This isn't how it ends.
'Put me on!' The mask interrupted.
'It'll just make him mad. I'm not doing that.' I replied whilst dodging a kick that was flying my way. Smooth sailing so far, I'd only hit one rock. I managed to hit him in the face, but it wasn't doing anything really. It's a sort of feeling that you get when you really thought you were going to do something good, but then it fails. That moment was there, and he must've seen my smart fade away, as he looked me up and down.
"Tell you what kid. You pass me the Mask, and we are done. I'll let you leave before I put it back on. I don't care. I have loose ends I need to tie up anyway. What do you say?" He said, extending his hand.
'Pretend to be in thought, and look for the knife. You'll live if you can.' I did as the mask said, and found it, a few feet away from his arm. Right. Let's play this off and work it out...
"Alright. I'll show you where I hid it." I said, about to shake the hand. At this moment, I pretended to slip over, and I picked up the knife as I fell. FUCK! I felt a sharp pain across my right hand as it cut into it slightly. I made no noise, but my brain screamed with pain. Keeping a straight expression, i hid the knife in the coat sleeve of my left hand. The same thing I did with Red. RED.... I shook his hand with my right one... and cut it off with my left. It was a lot smoothly done than I thought. I thought I'd have to hack away at it for a while, listening to him scream, but no. It was like putting a spoon into ice cream: almost too easy. As if I was born to do this. His hand was still in mine as he fell back, looking at the stump I left him. Clearly he didn't seem too bothered. What a crazy man... Then the pain kicked in. His face contorted into a mess of anger and hurt as he tried to stop the blood pouring out of his hand. Well, this left him open, and I thought 'fuck it' and jammed the knife in his neck. It was a piece of cake. Clearly this bastard was sharp enough to slice up a man instantly. Or a woman. I don't judge. No noise emerged from his mouth as he scrabbled to rip out the object that blocked his breathing. I'd never seen panic in someone's eyes like that. It was as if I'd seen a whole new side of whoever this is, or whoever I was... The knife was dragged out of his throat, which halved his time alive. I could tell due to the blood that was dragging it's way painfully out of his throat and arm. Suddenly, he just stopped panicking. He froze. Literally. No movement came from him, except the blood clawing it's way out. He then looked at me, and said "well played." Or at least that's what I thought he said, due to his throat filling with his own fluid. He gargled a bit, spat out a small puddle of the stuff, and stabbed him self. Straight in the stomach. He even twisted it, he was that determined to die. Again, this was something new to me, even though I'd murdered someone myself. In the moment, you feel powerful, untouchable, even godlike. Seeing this, a man who has killed himself because he's become attached to this, twisted my views. So much that I almost broke down and took the knife off of him. I stood there for god knows how long, just watching the bastard bleed out onto the floor. It was slow, oh so slow, but it happened. He stopped moving, and red liquid poured out of his throat so much that I knew his body had stopped working. Looking down at it, it looked like a simple murder.
'W-wow' I heard a familiar voice at the back of my mind. 'I've never seen someone do that before....' even the mask was shocked. I could mirror its thoughts. Fuck. Another death on my hands. Another nightmare to contend with. Another sin to land me in hell. All of this for her... was it too much? No. No. No sacrifice was worth too much,  no mess was too big to clean.
'Let's clean this up' The mask piped up. I took it out of the bag, and the whole situation merged itself into red powder that flew into The mask. The only thing that remained was the knife. Sharp thing. I picked it up and put it in the bag. Better to be safe...

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