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By the time I'd reached my house, I'd weeped more than I'd ever Done before. As soon as I turned the corner, Anna frowned.
"This is your house?" She asked, almost as if she expected me to live somewhere else. Oh great. Here we fucking go...
"Yeah it is." I bluntly said.
"It's a nice place. I wasn't expecting it to be like this." She said, smiling enthusiastically. That was a compliment I never explicated to hear. Ever. My house looks like shit. But hey ho, we all make an error in our thinking.
"Well, thanks for walking home with me." I said, being a lot different than I normally am. Why is this?
"My pleasure. I hope your okay soon though!" Anna said, blushing slightly. She really was a good looking girl. I have no idea why she puts herself down. Just a ridiculous thought.
"See you soon, I'm sure!" I shouted as I shut my door. Peace at last. That poor girl, she seems lonely. Fuck it, I'll have to bring her into the group. I'm sure everyone will welcome her. Just not right now, not with Red gone. Red.... Convulsions shook my body as I tried to control the anger and hatred that coursed through my veins and blood. I'm going to fucking murder whoever took his life. I'm going to watch their blood seep onto the floor as I stamp their pathetic head in. I didn't feel like doing anything else, just numb. And empty. Emotionless. As if I was on autopilot, I walked stiffly towards my bed and splayed out onto it. Fuck. My best friend. The worst part is is that I couldn't do anything. Nothing was in my power in that situation. All j could do was watch him body fly. Not been running up there would've made any difference. My eyes closed. Shedding silent tears, I fell asleep.

Waking up at 6:00 on a Tuesday is never a good day. It's even worse waking up when you have no best friend to walk with. Heh. What else can I do other than be upset. I've missed the calls with my parents. I can tell because my phone has 17 missed calls. Instinctively I pick up the next one clear things up. My parents said I could take the day off, but I decided against it. I need an education. Heading into school was a lot stranger. Everything was quiet. Places seemed a lot more dead and deranged.
You hear that? That's the sound of your best friend in the fucking ground. You waste. You couldn't even save him. Useless bitch.
Just gonna ignore you. No hard feelings.
You can't ignore me. I'm in your head 24/7. 3.6.5.
Fuck you.
Walking through the gate was unusual. Fuck, people didn't know about this, did they? The police would've cleared everything and kept it tight. I suppose we were meant to do the same. I soon found out that Red supposedly died at home of a fatal heart attack.
"Didn't even feel it coming." I heard people whisper as they walked round the corridors and stood by classrooms. The group didn't meet up. We all needed time to mourn. I saw a few bleary eyed, but we were moving in. He would always be remembered. In my heart anyways. Break flew past, not even allowing me to see anyone before the bell rang. The 3-4th period were so boring I glazed over and basically fell asleep.
Then lunch rolled around.

I was wondering throughout the world of school, when I stumbled across the basketball pitches. A grounded thing with two hoops, a net, and a thick wire fencing to stop the balls leaving the court. There were quite a few speaking around it, just enjoying their lives. And, atop all of them, was Ryan. Ryan was quite tall, like me, but that's where the similarities end. He's not a nice guy. He gossips behind people's backs. He picks fights. He likes to flirt with a lot of different people. Lead people on a lot. Just a general cunt really. I walked through the courts, not meaning to interrupt, but then I heard
"Thank god that waste of space Red is gone! Now I can finally get with Mercedes" Ryan's voice rose above the crowd. It was as if he wanted me to hear him. Maybe he did. Maybe he wanted to start on me.
"How come?" One of his lackeys asked
"Have you seen that ass? I would hit that constantly. Better than that dead piece of shit could ever do." He said, laughing.
Do it. Punch him. Take some anger out on him.
You know what? I'm gonna listen for once.
I turned around, blood boiling, fists clenched, and calmly asked "what did you just say?" My voice silenced the court. It also stopped every single game that was going on. Voices stopped. Basketballs were held still. People whispered between each other. This was unheard of. Someone standing up to Ryan?
"I said its a good thing that waste of a person is gone" Ryan said, looking at his knuckles, as if he was deciding the best way to punch me. I could smell the escalation zooming upwards. People surrounded us like hounds, smelling blood or even broken bones at the worst.
"That was my best friend. And your telling me that his death was a good thing?" I was still extremely calm. He was smiling now. A crowd circled us in. Almost perfect. I could hear bets being placed in if I'd walk out or not. Great. Here we go
"Of course. That cunt was in the way of my perfect relationship. So now he's gone, I can have what I want. And he can rot in hell." He got in my face as he said this. As if he wanted me to hit him. Well, as they say, shits about to get serious.
I had no idea I'd be the one walking out on my feet. It was the day I got popular. It was the day where I got rid of my rage.
It was a day to remember

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