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You can only imagine the panic I felt when I saw the mess of a face he had. I ran as soon as I saw it. Fuck the police, fuck everything else. I just couldn't see it any longer. It reminded me how out of control I was, how released evil is. And how I couldn't stop anything. Well, I fell as I ran, and the mask hit the floor.
'Come back!' The mask screamed. Something made me stop and pick it up. Maybe it was it was all I had. Maybe I liked it. Maybe it just knew me. Whatever it was, it made me stop. Light decided to shine. Clear, sweet moonlight. It allowed me to see it in a different light. I picked it up
'Thanks' it said. 'Please keep me'. So the voice did come from the mask. Well, let's add that to the list of crazy shit that's happened. Turning quickly, I glanced back at the knockout. It wasn't so bad. I mean, yeah it was gross, but from here it didn't look horrible. It looked almost... natural. As if it had a,ways been there, been a part of me. As if it was calling me this whole time. Heck, it probably fitted me. No, that's crazy. A killer wore this. It's probably got his DNA or whatever all in it. I'll ask Justin at some point. I'm sure he'd love to explain all that forensic shit. Wait. Breathe. There's no worry, no regret. I'm not the killer here.
'No of course your not' the mask interrupted me again.
'No I know!' I retorted. 'Why did he try and kill me? Surely you have the power to stop that...'
'I can speak and hear your thoughts. I can't stop your crazy feelings. He was mental. I mean, mental.' The mask sounded like it was pondering.
'Alright. Well, what do I do? I'm clueless.' I was worried for myself. It would look pretty shady if I was here in my own. It'd look like I'd try to give myself in. Fuck. Plus, my fingerprints are all over him. And this mask
'Don't throw this on me!' The mask defended itself. 'What am I meant to do? I can speak to you yeah, I called you in here anyway-'
Ah. That's the voice. Makes sense.
'-but that's all I can do. Call and advise you. When your hidden, you show your true intentions...'
what does that mean?
'I suggest you leave. The cops will work it out. You punched the guy right?' The mask asked.
'Y-yeah I did. That was it I think' I pondered over my decision. Yeah, I'll go. And take... this... with me.
'I have a name, you know.' If voices could frown, it was.
'And that is?' I thought back. Probably something really old, and wise. Something I couldn't pronounce.
'I'll tell you when you deserve to hear it.' The mask was still frowning. 'How do I know you won't leave me?'
'Your going in my backpack for one, and I'm keeping you safe at home for two' I told it.
'Well. We shall see.' The mask concluded. 'Now let's get the hell out of here, before cops show up and ask questions.'

Everything was blurry and fast as I walked home. The only thing I could see was the body that was left behind, and the knockout who was asleep on the floor. His marker face.... shredded. That was the best way to describe it. Shredded. Nothing but the bare features. I think he was a looker. I mean, he has nice cheekbones. Or what I saw of them anyway. His eyes probably were dark. Brown, or a green. I would love green eyes. I have blue. Emerald green eyes would be beautiful. Maybe I could've seen her. Who knew? Who cares? He's dead now. Whatever floated his boat to make him a crazy manic. At least I have some sanity. Or, I hope I do. I hope I keep it when I see Red. The shit I would do to him... I'm gonna have to break this up. Maybe if Red was expelled? Or... killed? No, that's too far. WAY too far. I could never kill anyone. Never. I'd been so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I was home. A road snaking into the door, allowing me to enter. My parents were home: the cars were there. It's okay anyway. I'm usually in my room no matter what.
'Great place to store me by the way' the mask was dead silent on the way home. Seemed to be in as deep a thought as I was.
'I got you. I'll store you.' I responded. Not knocking, I went straight through, saying hi to my mother and father as I went. Heading upstairs and into my room, I locked the door. Finally: some alone time. I took the mask out of my bag, and stood it up. If my parents asked, it was a drama project. Nothing more. I don't even do drama. Well I do now.
'So, since you can speak to me with no panic, what is it you really want?' The mask asked me, it's non-existent eyes piercing through my soul, seeing everything.
'Oh... Jealousy, my boy?' The mask could clearly see these things. 'Who is this "Red" then?'
I told it everything: who Red was, who she was, what happened, how it did, and what I wanted. I wanted her. All of her to myself. My days were numbered Sanity wise if I couldn't get who I wanted. I don't have much, but I have a heart full of love. That'll have to do.
'I've an idea.' The mask seemed excited
'What's that then? I'm all out.' I wasn't worried. I knew it would be good. I mean, how could you not trust a mask that can read your mind? You'd be stupid not to!
'Put me on.' The mask said simply.
'What's that gonna do?' I asked, curious.
'It's a surprise. You'll find out how to get what you want when you do.' The mask continued 'You need to tell your parents your asleep or something. Where they won't interrupt. You need full concentration on this. If it breaks, it's over.'
I called to my parents, saying I was going to sleep and that I'd eaten. They said goodnight. I knew that I wasn't going to be interrupted.
'Are you going to stick to my face?' The thought popped into my head as I sat back down
'No! No no no no. He sewed the mask to his face. You didn't see the string when you ripped it out?' The mask sounded sympathetic
'No, I can't say I did....' I couldn't recall any sort of string.... maybe a simple brain problem. I must have one, with all the shit that I've seen. Well, it's now or never. I turned it over, noticing how smooth the inside was.
'Not many people have worn you, huh?' I questioned.
'I'm special. Only certain people can find me. Your lucky. Don't worry, my boy, we can solve your problems. Just put me on. Everything will become crystal clear'
Breathing out steadily, I put the mask on, allowing it to close in on my head, trapping it.
'Here we go my boy. Here. We. Go' The mask said as it locked in.

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