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Walking in, I hit my phone onto the table. It was filled with notifications of what happened at lunch, including Grey. I felt bad for him, as at lunch, he rung my phone, asking what had happened. I was sick of people asking me already, so I just said he could eat my dick in nicer words. I didn't understand why everyone was going berserk over what had happened at lunch. All I did was defend myself against an insulting person. He even insulted Red. Mercedes sent a message saying thanks, but none of us have heard from her. She's gone off the radar, and she's done it well. All I can think about is Ryan, and how disrespectful he was. Before I knew it, Mum had called, and asked how I was. I filled her in, and missed out the more serious parts. She seemed a bit worried, but it took me a few seconds to convince her I was fine. I guess it must've seemed crazy that I was still a normal person after so many crazy moments. If only a few memories could just be erased, then I'd be even better.
It's okay. Ryan will be taken care of soon. I'll see to it. I can do a lot more things than you think.
Don't use my body.
No no. Of course not. What a stupid idea. You don't have the strength.
Sweet. As long as I stay out of your shit I don't care.
I signed off to my mother and went to bed. The days have been long and hard, but I've gotten through them.

Tuesday. It's not even Friday yet. The long slog through the week has begun, and what with yesterday, it's only gonna get longer. The school day passed with people asking me how I was, taking pictures, and girls acting all weird around me. I was on everyone's mind, and I had mixed feelings. Don't get me wrong, it was great, being able to stroll around and relax whenever I saw someone I was afraid of. Heck, I even got slaps on the back and tip offs from a few of the posher students. I walked a little higher than usual, and held myself at a little higher standard than i normally would. Fuck. I felt like a king. But then... there was the other side. The people who wanted to prove they were tough. People who spoke behind my back, coming up with plots. The groups who would gather and then disappear when I came near, hands around some sort of object in their coat pockets. I knew they carried weapons. Only because when I walked past one he panicked and ran, and dropped his knife on the floor, blade first. It made a clanging noise that ran through the hallway. I kicked it towards him, saying "that wouldn't save you." He glared as he picked it up. Looks like I have some people on my radar. Just like always, there's good and bad. This was more good than bad.

Before I knew it, the day was over, and I was by the exit saying goodbye to Blondie and Mercedes. We had decided that the best thing to do would be to try and walk alone, to let us all breathe and reconsider. Well, it was a lot better than constantly splitting up and worrying about how each of us felt about... Shaking my head, I looked back to see Anna speaking to a few people, and then looking towards me. One of her friends giggled, and Anna gave her a look. Here we go, again. At least it's a cute one this time. You see, there used to be this rumour that I was trying to date and liked Mercedes. It was complete bullshit, but it brought us closer. Maybe the same thing will happen with Anna? Well who fucking knows, but I wouldn't mind it. Even from here, her button nose and blue eyes glistened as she approached. She seemed more relaxed than usual, swaggering over, breathing calmly, and without a care.
Then her Ex came over.
I physically saw her froze. He was older than me, and all the year 10's. Maybe an year 11 or a sixth form? Who cares. He wasn't dressed in school uniform... another rebel. He carried around a look of menace and revelled in it, loving the looks he got from everyone. Casually, I slid over, looking at my phone, and trying to look inconspicuous. Christ, it's working. I could hear the conversation.
Trying to make sure she's available? Ha! Please! I can tell you right now it's not going to work. Killers don't get into-
Hey, lackey, the conversation is getting serious. You know, the one you were intruding on?
"So, when we getting back together, sweetheart?" He said, growling at that sappy name
"W-we aren't. I d-don't want you." She stuttered. All of a sudden, I saw the man lash out and hit her in the face.
Everyone went silent. The wind stopped, and the world opened its eyes to watch the whole thing unveil. I looked up from my phone as I heard her scream. It hurt to hear it, much less see it. It made me pretty angry, not too angry, but a bit. I wasn't going to get involved, I wasn't going to get involved...
"Get on your knees." He spat at her. She obeyed, putting her hands at her sides, almost crying.
"Your gonna please me, in front of everyone, or else I'm gonna snap you. Understand?" He said, cracking a knuckle. She nodded, tears sliding down her face.
Get involved. Do it.
I shouted to him "what the fuck are you doing? You trying to kill her? She's hurt enough!" People gasped, and gaped. The legend is going against year 11's. What a hard man.
"You got a problem?" He said, smiling. "I heard all about you, Mr Big-shot. Stay outta my business." He looked back down at her. "You know what to do, don't you?" She barely nodded, and put her hands towards his trousers. It only took a few seconds to hit me:
He forcefully violated her.

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