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Seeing Grey, alone and vulnerable, in an alleyway with a tall, shady-looking man instantly made me think drug dealer. I thought 'Grey's lost it. Greys actually lost it'. I was about to slap him. Wake him up. But then I saw the shit was carrying a knife, and I panicked. I froze. But Grey... Grey looked almost calm from my angle. He tensed himself, ready for a fight. Practice looked like he had had his turn with Grey, because he ducked at the first swing. The thing growled, as if it was an animal. As if it was a creature. Not a human. Not a human, but a death-bringing psychopath.
At this point I was worried, so I called out "Where have you been? Everyone is scared shitless about you!"
He didn't move.
I was worried slightly more at this point. Partly because we were the only ones down here, partly because I had no idea why Tyler was here. He could've started this. I could be interrupting something. But I didn't care. I needed to know he was okay, he was alive, and kicking. I heard him say "Yeah, well I'm not too happy myself, and I'm kinda busy here." He nodded towards whatever the fuck that was.
Asshole. I come to check on him...
"Well come on!" I ushered him. "You gotta tell people your still kicking!"
I saw him focus on his head, as if he was thinking hard, and then he relaxed.
"Yeah, it sounds good." He took a step towards me, but was blocked by that thing.

I don't know how to describe it. It's image is burned into me, but it's a memory I don't want back. He was... In leather. In the light it made the clothes look like skin. They seemed to... Crawl over him, moving, searching, breathing. The parts of him that weren't moving were bloodied. It was strong as glue in some places, thin as paper in others. His breathing was sporadic, hurried, as if he didn't have long left to live.
I didn't realise this.
I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I saw him mouth "Kill you", so I took a step forward. And another. Until I was slightly behind him. My presence went unnoticed. The creature went for a second swing (the first missed), and Grey smoothly ducked. It was as if he'd had practice. At the same time, he threw himself onto me, taking me down and saving my life. The creature snarled, brought his knife back up, and.... Froze. He became a flesh ice sculpture. He wasn't blue, but he stopped moving. The only thing that moved, were the eyes beneath its mask. Panic claimed it. Breathing increased. Sharper. Like someone stabbed his neck and he was huffing his last breath. Grey leapt to his feet, breathed in, and swung a heavy roundhouse kick towards the face of whatever that fucking creep was. It made a loud snap, or CLACK, if I had to be accurate. The thing staggered, clearly wounded and confused. It's eyes red still, but it seemed calmer, more at peace.
More human than monster.
Grey didn't stop. Not for a second. It was as if this was his queue to kick ass. His fists hit the creatures mask, making an odd sucking sound, as if there was nothing behind it. It made a noise, a moaning cry is the the best way to describe it, and covered it, blocking the punches from landed. Grey didn't even flinch. He went straight to the stomach, ripping the shirt with his nails, causing it to be open and vulnerable to punches. The fists left marks and bruises as big as my palm. It seemed confused, not knowing what to cover. One hand went towards the head, other to the tear through his second skin.
It wasn't enough.
Tyler beat it. To a pulp. Till it was hardly breathing. Till its eyes weren't open. Till it fell over, and dropped the knife, and sighed.

I was still on the floor, awestruck that he could do that. The guy was huge, and he was much smaller. Still, I managed to pick myself up, and cautiously walk over to him. He was breathing heavily, but he looked more relaxed, more steady, as if he'd been waiting to do this.
Instead I said:
"Holy fuck, where did you learn to do that?"
He shrugged. "Just in the moment I guess"
I took a step towards it. The knife was far away enough to it wouldn't make a difference if he tried to go for it. He was still. Very still...
"Is he-?" I started
"No. He isn't. I made sure of that. He's still breathing" Tyler said, then concentrated on his brain again. I'm worried for this boy. I'm getting him checked out ASAP.
"Stay here, make sure he doesn't get away, I'm going in to get someone to call the police. I'm not going to jail for this" I said. I knew I was panicking. My face was red and I was clammy. It also still freaked me out how quickly Grey changed. He never fought for himself. He never stood up for himself. So, what happened? I thought 'I'd figure it out later.'
"We're fine. He's gonna be the one in jail" Tyler kicked its mask, causing it to groan. He looked happy that he'd managed to do what he did. Huh. At least he's proud of it.
"If I'm more than 5, knock him out again, alright?"
"Alright. Jeez"
I rounded the corner.
Biggest. Mistake. I. Ever. Made
I may have found Grey, may have kept him safe, and may have even been able to keep him alive, but that day... That day, Grey died. The soul he had died.
And the devil replaced him

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