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I couldn't believe it at first. I seriously thought I was hallucinating. There's no way. No way this just happened. Please, God no...
I watched the thing I cared about most stolen from me. One of my friends too. Red. Of all the damn people. He really looked like he wanted her. More than... No. that couldn't be true. I knew I loved her more than he ever could. She looked so happy, so ecstatic when he took her there and spoke. As if nothing else existed. Except him and her. I wanted to kill him. With my bare hands. I knew I couldn't, so I left. Without the group. Without anyone. Let them worry. They've got this new relationship to worry about. I'm sure they're all chanting the new name of them. It makes me sick, no, disgusted. It's as if he knew. He knew I'd summed up the courage to speak to her today, to tell her, to watch her revel and be happy. But no, this... This shit decided to steal her. I left as soon as I saw. The thing that really broke me was seeing Salty's best friend, Justin, watch. Not even intervene. He even looked... happy. Happy for them. Not me and her. Them. Them...

I couldn't go home. I'd be broken down at home. I'd solve my problems the same way I always did: On my own. No help needed. Stuck in my thoughts, I wondered aimlessly, without a care. My phone buzzed, but I didn't pick up. I didn't care at the current moment. I mattered. No one else, but me. Before I even knew what was going on, I was standing outside the Bat cave. Well, I'm here, I thought, why not get a drink? I had some change in my back pocket. I stood outside for a second, collecting my thoughts, pushing all these thoughts out of my mind. I wouldn't enjoy a drink with thoughts of killing in my mind. Checking my change, I turned around, and saw people already filtering out of school, coming here to relax and let go. Steam was blown off constantly here, so it was a hotspot for students. Only, most coming here seemed to be couples. I could see it in their eyes: they never broke contact. A few had each other's hands or an arm around their waist. All of them looked happy, content, settled with life. Thoughts of her came back. No, I can't deal with this now for gods sake. I'm here to get a drink, calm down, and head home. Maybe pick up the calls that kept buzzing my phone. Heading towards the door, I thought everything would be normal enough soon, this would all roll over, and I'd figure out something.
I was so wrong

Breathing a sigh of relief as I entered, i went straight for the counter. The bar was laid out so you could walk straight to the counter, and order. To the right were the tables for visitors. Pretty standard: Wood, chipped slightly, as if people hacked away at them in their spare time. Who knew? Maybe they did. They looked painted, but, honestly, it's 'just gloss' as the Bartender says. To the left, is the reserved place. Never been there. Never needed to. You wanted a good place to go to, you went to the Grill. The end. People who go there say it's a whole different experience than the bar itself. I always thought they were full of it. I've seen a few people go in there, but I've never heard any noise coming from there. Ever. It's dead quiet in there. As if the silence was never broken, as if no one entered in the first place.
"What'll you be 'avin then, mate?" The bartender interrupted my train of thought
"Whatever you can give me with this" I told him, putting my change on the counter "Legally" I added
"Ah, Roight. I'll see what I can find for yeh" he turned around, examining the long lines of drink for something tangible. The lines of bottle made up half of the place itself. The bathroom door is hardly visible at the back, almost hidden by the cover of glass. The bartender emerged with a glass of Coca-cola.
"Ow's this then?" He asked, holding it
"Fine thanks, take the money and keep the change" I replied, heading to a table to sit and breathe.
"Cheers mate!" He said, pocketing the remainder.
Sitting down, I evaluated my situation: My love was lost, my best friend watched it happen, and Red is gonna be so smug... shit. What am I gonna do? I took a sip, letting the pure sugar and caffeine melt on my tongue. I still had no idea what to do halfway through. This wasn't doing anything. All the couples had come in and started to get closer to each other. Why me? It could've been anyone else. Anyone else. But no, of course it's me. What's new.... Looking at my phone, I found out who was buzzing my phone:
I want to break my phone. So bad. I'm sure I could get another one. I mean Justin has to have some spare money somewhere. Huh. He just won't leave me alone! He stole one of the only things that mattered to me. I can't get away from you. I can't... how did you do it? I turned my phone off. I was sick of seeing that name. I didn't want to ever again. Draining the other half, I decided to visit the Grill. Maybe I'd find one of my classmates there. Who knows? Anywhere but here. Anywhere.

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