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I locked the door behind him, as quietly as I could. Less noise, less worry. Would that mean cutting his tongue out? Oh, shit. Fuck it, I'll have to. Or maybe I'd finish the job off before hand. I'm actually thinking about it. Red had stopped in the middle. Desks lined the sides, with a clear walkway down for the teacher to patrol as they kept the eyes on the students. Must be great, allowed to be an arsehole as a job.
"Grey?" Red woke me up. Ah yeah, I remember where I am now.
"Yeah,  I did." I said, stepping toward the teachers desk, looking for something to grab before I took him out. Approaching the desk, it looked pretty bare. Crap. I looked back at Red. Wait a sec... Red was directly behind the scissor hand! They use proper sharp shit here. I know a few people who have sliced their hands on those. Alright. Run with it.
"Yeah I did." I suddenly approached him. And as I did, I started spewing out a sad story about family and parents and such. Red didn't take his eyes off me, so I sat on a table directly opposite him, and carried on. It took 5 minutes, which left me 20. When I finished, Red had tears in his eyes. (Drama man, I should've taken Drama.) He pulled me in for a hug, within reach of the scissors... I put one hand round him, whilst I grabbed a pair. The light glinted off the metal sides of one of them. I pushed them together to make them form one point. After Red let me go, I'd concealed them in what I was wearing on the sleeve, the pointed out edge facing towards the outside world.
'Right. You got this. Focus. Remember.' I heard the mask in the back of my mind. I've got this. Easy.
"Are you ready to go back?" Red said, standing up.
"Give me a sec." I said, sitting back down.
"Alright. I'll meet you down there bud." Red turned towards the door. He didn't have his bag on. No noise would be made. Carpet on the floor, shaggy stuff too. It's now or never.

As I pulled the scissors out, they made the noise of drawing a sword, and Red turned around
"Grey?" He looked puzzled for a sec. "what the heck are you doing with those then?"
"I... I.. I was trying to scare you." I thought quickly. "It was almost gonna work! I had a mask and everything for it!" I hoped Reds curiosity would want him to see it.
"Really? Let's have a look then. If it makes you feel better" Red stopped and approached the bag. I took the mask out, making sure that I was holding it
'Put me on. Quick. Get it done.' The mask urged me. I said to him "watch this" as I put it on. It closed around my face again, and made sure it could cling on easily.
'Here. We. Go' The mask spelled out. The scissors In my hand sank into his neck, the whole 5 inches of steel, sharp edges. Blood erupted out of the wound, and spilt onto the floor.
"Let's see what makes a Thief, hey?" A dark part of me said out loud. I grabbed another pair and just hacked at his chest. Again and again, making holes in it. He was trying to scream, I could tell. But blood formed a wall, choking his words in him. Having broken his system, I dug my scissors into the edges of his chest and carved down to his pelvis. I then carved to the other side and back up and left again. This made a rough square. I then pulled up the skin, which detached and showed everything. I could see his heart, liver, stomach, everything. I cut his heart out, and showed it to him. Crushing it with my hands over his face, I then ripped out his intestines and fed them to him, watching his eyes roll as he was losing life. I didn't care. I wanted to let all of my anger out. His lungs were ripped out and thrown sideways long with everything else. He was just skin and bones. I then picked him up and held him out through the window. God knows how he was still alive, but he was. He even fought back.
'This one is very strong! I've never seen this before...' the mask appeared.
"Goodbye, you stealing fuck" I whispered to him as I threw him. Stepping back, I watched his pathetic body flounder to the ground. It hit the floor terrifically, with blood going out everywhere. I could even see bits of his intestines hanging like a piece of wool in the wind. Bastard.
'Let's clear all this up, shall we?' The mask turned brighter, and all the blood and organs turned to red dust, and were sucked into the mask. The colour died down again afterwards. Looking back down again, I wanted to remember his dead, pathetic excuse of a body.

Incompetent fuck.
oh shit.

I only just noticed Justin and the group was out there, including Mercedes. Her face... oh fuck. What have I done? Shit. Shit shit shit. Run was my first thought, but I was trapped by the glare she gave Red. So upset, so serious. At that moment, I swore that anyone who tried to take her would die. Either by my or someone else's hands. It didn't matter. I'd make sure it would happen. Oh fuck. Justin started crying. I can't watch this. Unlocking the door behind me, I ran, forgetting I said I would wait. The teacher came round and thanked me. I said okay without stopping. More important things awaited my discovery. running back to the group. As I was down the stairs, I already saw kids running up, they passed me without a second glance.
'Well done, my boy' The mask said
'Your first kill of many to come.'

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