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I decided to go home. Grey said he'd work everything out with the police when they got here, and it had been a long day, what with Red confessing and Grey almost dying. I guess the real reason I left was to give him space. He was... Scared. Worried. I could see his eyes. He'd seen some shit. But, he didn't seem to care. It was as if he'd masked himself, skin was plastic, eyes were glass. I'm sure it was nothing. Give him a week... He'd be fine. He'd be fine. Strolling home, I noticed that it was very dark. A lot darker than when I left to look for Grey. The darkness was almost touchable, pulsating like a disease, spreading and covering everything it could. People faded inside it. It was just me and a world of shades, dark and light. Ignoring what was happening, I fought through my thoughts and made it home. Shutting the door behind me, the darkness was banished outside. The light switch was flickered on before I knew what I was doing. I still noticed my phone was still playing music. A miracle it hadn't died whilst I was out.... Pulling it out and into my view, I saw I had 5 missed calls from my parents.
I rang them. I heard it buzz twice before they picked up
"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?! What happened? Your father and I have been worried sick about you!" Relief and anger hit the phone.
"I'm fine I just... Fell asleep. On the sofa. Exams and school. They get you." I felt like it would be better not to tell my parents I nearly died. I'm surprised I'm still alive, still breathing.
"Get a good nights sleep from now on. We'll be home soon." My mother replied. Everything went back to normal after that. I said the standard and told her the same. School, home, what I ate, who's done what. My mind was in other things. Red hadn't called me since I said I'd look for him. Maybe he gave up. Fuck it. I'll call him next. I wrapped things up with my mum and speed dialled Red
"Jesus. My connection died. You find him?" Red's voice made me want to tell the truth, but I decided against it. Grey was shy enough, this would destroy him.
"Yeah, we just chilled out and..." I realised I still didn't know why he ran away "talked about stuff. He'll live."
"Nice to hear. What's the date today?" I asked Red
"17th" Red told me
"Nah. I mean the day of the week!"
"Oh! Friday."
"Good. I think we'll pull all of us out. Head somewhere, chill out. You know?"
"Well you could treat us all with the money you've got!" Red laughed. I did too. Felt relaxing to know he was alright. That he cared. That he was alive
Boy, don't things change.

After finishing my call with Red, I felt my body drain of energy. Taking my coat and shoes off, I trudged upstairs, flopped onto the bed, and closed my eyes. When I opened them, it was daylight. Checking my phone clock, it read 10:11. Jesus Christ. I didn't feel tired though, but I felt rather grimy. As if I'd crawled through a sewer pipe and swam in the water for hours. Getting out of bed, I headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Put 2 pieces of bread into the toaster. Took a shower. Ate breakfast after reheating the toast. Climbed into some clothes, and rang Red again.
"Hey hey!" Red's voice blasted me.
"Woah! Calm down. Christ..." I muttered, taking the phone away from my ears.
"Well you said we were all going out today!" Red reminded me. "I've already called our group, so don't worry. We're meeting in the city at 2:30. I didn't know when you would wake up."
I am a heavy sleeper. Plus, what with everything lately, my brain clearly thought a couple more hours wouldn't hurt.
"Thanks. I appreciate that. I mean it. I'll make it up to you at some point. Anyways, I'm showered dressed and sorted. The group, huh? Including..." I hinted
"Yes it does. Anyways I gotta get ready and sorted. See you soon... Oh! Wait... There's something I've gotta say." Red stopped.
"Well?" I said, waiting.
".... Grey didn't pick up. He didn't even answer his phone. He let it ring." Red waited for a response. I didn't have one.
"Huh. I'll find him again. Catch you"
"Yeah". I hung up.

Taking another step outside, I notice how much better the world looks when it's bright. Nothing's hidden, nothing's secret, and everyone is see able. Especially people in alleyways. He wore the weirdest things, and that mask..... So creepy. I swear the thing wearing it could see into my soul. It scared me. Part of me knew I was overthinking it: Grey cleared everything up with the police, we would have a nice day, and then go back to hell- I mean school. Everything would be back to normal.

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