Chapter 36

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Jackson's POV

Last night Noah asked me a question i have been trying to avoid for ever, honestly I thought I was gonna die.

Flashback to Last Night

"Baylor, go grab the napkins" I instructed, we were eating dinner at the table.

"Yes sir" he saluted me and I rolled my eyes. The twins were with their dad for the weekend so it was just us, like old times.

"Noah!" I yelled into the living room where Noah was playing Xbox.

"What!" He yelled back.

"Come here please" I said and heard him groan and grudge into the kitchen.

"I was in the middle of my game" he whined.

"Aww that's so sad isn't it" Baylor laughed and Noah punched him in the arm.

"Hey, no hitting, go wash your hands please" I sighed.

Once he washed his hands we sat at the table, I had made tacos, Baylor's favorite.

"So, what'd you do at school today bud?" I asked Noah.

"Um, we played tennis in gym, and Mrs. Kanevazzi talked to us all class about the school shooting in Florida." He told us.

Obviously, I knew he knew about it, but still, it's a lot to process when you're 11.

"Oh, yeah? What'd she talk about?" Baylor asked.

"She talked about how if there was someone in school then we would have to hide with the lights off and be super quiet. Also, she said we were gonna have a lockdown drill next week." He explained to us.

"Oh yeah, it's during 2nd period sometime next week" I said.

"Can I ask a question?" Noah asked sheepishly.

"Of course bud, what's up?" I told him

"Do you think that someone would ever come and do that at our school?" He said sounding scared, "What if I can't find you guys?" He asked, getting a little worked up about it.

"Hey, calm down bud. I can't promise that it won't happen, but I don't think it will. We have a very secure school so if someone who isn't supposed to be there shows up, I don't think they could get in" I explained trying to calm him down. I never thought that I would have to explain to my 11 year old brother about what would happen if someone showed up with a gun.

He nodded slightly, I could tell he was freaked out. I stood up and walked over to him, "Come here bub, it's okay" I told him and put my arms out for a hug.

Noah's POV

I stood up and hugged Jackson, I couldn't stop my tears.

"I'm scared Bubba" I told him through sobs. He picked me up and took me over to the couch.

"It's okay, I won't let anyone hurt you" He reassured me and rubbed my back to calm me down. My cries softened to sniffles as I laid my head on his chest.

When I saw the stuff on the mess I didn't really know what happened, until my teacher explained it and explained what would happen if someone came to our school with a gun. When she said that the first thing I thought of was my brother's, where would they be, were they okay.

Baylor came over to the couch after I had pretty much calmed down and pushed my hair out of my face, "If we don't think you'll be safe going to school, we won't send you. You know Jackson and I want you to be safe and happy" he told me. I nodded knowing it was the truth.

End of Flashback

Jackson's POV

"Hello, earth to Jackson?" Parker said, waving his hand in my face.

"Huh, What?" I said, my eyes snapping up to him.

"The bell rang, we gotta go" He told me

"Oh, shit sorry" I stood up and we walked to second period, which was AP Human Geography.

"You seem kinda out of it" he told me as we sat down at our desks.

"Nah, I'm good, just tired" I told him

"I know what you need, a party" He smiled at me and chuckled, "Danny Ator is throwing one tonight, I don't know how good it'll be, but at least it's something to get you out of the house" he explained, I did kinda want to go to the party, but I already told Baylor he could go out with his friends so Noah would be home.

"I can't, gotta stay home with Noah" I explained.

"Make Baylor do it" He told me, I guess he really wanted me to go.

"He already made plans, don't know what he's doing, but it's definitely not watching his little brother" I said laughing.

Parker shook his head, "You're missing out on the best part of our lives. We're seniors, we deserve to have fun and be idiots. You don't need to be so responsible all the time" Parker said, trying to persuade me.

"I know that" I said and went back to my classwork.

"Let's make a deal, you go to the party and do something totally not like you, and I'll watch your brother" He said, he hadn't even written his name on the paper since he was so distracted with trying to get me to go.

"That's dumb, you obviously want to go to the party and how would I even prove that I did something crazy?" I asked

"I don't really want to go, I just want you to go, and like take a picture or something" he explained, the offer was tempting.

"Fine, but I'm not drinking because I still have to be responsible tomorrow and a hangover would not bid well" I told him.

"Yes! Party starts at 8 I think, I'll be at your house at 7:30" he said, making sure I didn't get in another word about the situation. I sighed and shook my head, he was so damn persistent.

After class as I was walking down the hallway to go to my next class I was stopped,

"So, you're going to Danny's party?" The person I didn't quite recognized asked.

"Um, yeah" I said, damn, how quickly did Parker let that news out to the whole world.

Later that day

"Noah, please be good for Parker" I said putting some food on Noah's plate.

"I will" He said and poked at his noodles, he was still upset that he couldn't go to the party and at that I wouldn't let him stay home alone. It was almost 7:30 so I knew Parker would be here soon, I was hoping that they would have fun.

"I'm here!" Parker said inviting himself into the house with his key.

"Hey" I said as he walked into the kitchen

"So, have you decided what thing you're gonna do?" He asked me, I glared at him as to say 'shut up'. He shrugged his shoulder.

Noah's POV

Of course I liked Parker but I would much rather be with my brother at the party or just home alone.

I finished eating and excused myself to the living room to watch TV.

"I'm leaving, be good, bed by 10 please" Jackson said kissing my forehead from behind the couch.

I nodded, "bye" I said looking up at him sadly again so he knew I didn't want to be babysat.

"Love you, have fun" he said and disappeared into the garage.

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