Chapter 37

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Noah's POV

"So, What are we gonna do?" Parker asked me, jumping next to me on the couch. I glanced over at him and shrugged.

"Come on, there has to be something fun for us to do" he said, and started to tickle my sides. I squirmed and began to giggle.

"See, I'm fun" Parker told me.

"It would be more fun at the party" I pouted.

"You're a Debby downer"

"I am not!"

"You so are" He laughed, I smacked his arm and stood up, "we can play video games" I said, Parker nodded and we went to the game room, I turned on the Xbox and handed him a controller.

"Just warning you, I'm real good at Fortnite" Parker said to me, laughing

"Well, I am too, so I'm not too worried" I told him, smirking.

We started to play and Parker was super good, he kept winning. I didn't want to play anymore since I continued to lose, "Can we do something else now?" I asked him.

"Sure, like what?" He said

"Watch a movie?" I offered up, yawning. Parker nodded and we went to the living room, I picked one of the Avengers movies and turned it on.

By the time that movie was finished it was about 9:30 and I was half asleep.

"Why don't you go up to bed?" Parker said to me, I glanced over at him and sighed, but nodded.

"Thanks for watching me. Good night" I smiled at him.

"No problem little man, night" he returned the smile. I went upstairs to Jackson and I's room and changed it to my pajamas. It wasn't long after that that I fell asleep.

Jackson's POV

The party just ended, and I hate to admit that Parker was right, but Parker was right. I had so much fun, I didn't even drink, but it was still super fun. I really needed that to remind me that I'm a teenage boy, not a grown up father.

I pulled into the garage and unlocked the door with my key. I went in quietly just incase Noah was asleep in the living room.

"So?!" Parker said, jumping out from behind the wall.

"Holy shit Parker!" I half yelled, "you scared the shit out of me" I held my chest, my heart pounding. He started busting out laughing.

"Sorry dude, but seriously, how was it?" He questioned. I pushed him slightly and went to sit down on the couch.

"Actually, you were right, it was hella fun" I told him.

"Of course I was right! Where's my proof?" He asked, wanting proof of me doing something "wild".

I shook my head laughing and pulled my phone out, going into my SnapChat private memories. I scrolled down and found the video of me and a girl dancing, well maybe not just dancing.

Flashback to the Party

"Jackson, dance with me!" Kaelyn pulled me to the room where everyone was tightly pushed together. I let her drag me to the middle, then pulled her body close.

Kaelyn was hot, to say the least, I'd met her when we first moved here and really liked her. Luckily she wasn't drunk, because I wasn't a big fan of drunk girls, they're a mess.

"How'd you escape the brothers tonight?" She asked, having to talk loudly over the music.

"Parker's a lifesaver" I smiled and put my arms on her waist. She smiled at me and we began to dance.

About three songs in, we were full on grinding in each other. I couldn't help myself and I pulled her so she was close to my face.

"I've waited so long to do this" I whispered and then crashed into her lips. She hesitated for a second, but then gave in.

I know saying you felt fireworks is cliche, but I really did. I've kissed many girls, but Kaelyn was by far the best. Our lips moved in perfect sync.

Once our make out sesh was over Kaelyn looked up at me, "finally" she smiled, beginning to kiss me again.

Back to present time

I showed Parker the video and he punched my shoulder, "Get out! No way!" He said

I smiled and nodded

"That's my boy!" He laughed

"I always deliver" I told him

"Yeah yeah, you're lucky I love you enough to miss that party" he told me

"Yeah, thanks again. You're the best. How was the little monster?" I asked Parker.

"He's good, pretty chill, he went up to bed at 10" He told me

"Thanks, I owe you big time" I told him

He nodded, "see ya Monday" he smiled, and left.

I headed upstairs and went into Noah and I's room. I tried to creep in quietly, but I woke him up.

"Jax?" He said groggily.

"Hey bud" I smiled, sitting down next to him and pushing his hair out of his face.

"I missed you" He said, laying his head on my lap. I smiled at that, even though sometimes the responsibility can get to be too much, one of my brothers does something and I realize how lucky I am to be so close to them.

"I missed you too bub" I kissed his head and stood back up, I changed into a pair of sleep shorts and climbed into our bed. He rolled over and cuddled into me.

"Go back to sleep" I told him and rubbed his back.

I stayed awake after Noah fell asleep, waiting for Baylor to get home. I heard the front door open, Baylor rode with a friend so I was pretty sure it was him. He opened the door to my room.

"I'm home" He slurred, I knew he was drunk, but not like sloppily drunk.

"Thank you. Get to bed, you're gonna need sleep" I said, chuckling slightly knowing he would have a hangover tomorrow.

"Mhm" He nodded and left. Once he left I shut my eyes and fell asleep myself.

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