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Waiting for Jungkook to get out of the shower so Namjoon could get in

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Waiting for Jungkook to get out of the shower so Namjoon could get in. Jin complaining about how slow they were all going so they wouldn't miss their flight to America. His patience running low the longer he yelled.

"Can we go any slower! Oh I guess we don't have somewhere to be!" Jin yelled as he paced back and forth through the hallway.  From the look of it he seemed like he hadn't slept in days. He'd always stay up early in the morning, but this morning he was awake even earlier.

Yoongi was passed out on the couch with his earphones in, looking completely unbothered.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" Namjoon summoned excitedly. "About time you got out. What the hell were you doing in there?"

"Taking a swim." Jungkook said sarcastically. "What else could I be doing."

Jin glared at Jungkook as he walked into the living room. "Ooh great we've got six down and one to go."

"Hey Jimin." Jungkook smiled as he quickly approached his hyung.

Jimin looked up from his phone then back down. He didn't want to talk to the younger at all. He was annoyed by him, despite he was his favorite hyung. "Yes Jungkook?"

"Nothing I just wanted to say 'hey'. Why didn't you take a shower?" The younger questioned, not knowing what the say. Jimin wasn't the type to have a normal conversation with Jungkook. None of Jungkook's conversations were normal after all.

This was actually the first conversation they'd had since January that wasn't about music or choreography. Jimin looked at Jungkook and placed his phone onto the couch. "Is this the best you can do to start off a conversation Kookie?"

"Well I could go talk to Tae Tae if that'll make your salty ass happy." Jungkook snapped as he crossed his arms at his hyung.

Jin walked into the living room carrying a suitcase. "This has got to be one of the slowest humans on earth." Jin said referring to Namjoon.

"No, that's Yoongi. Namjoon is the master of destruction." Jimin corrected him as he glanced at Yoongi.

"That's true, but who are you then Jimin?" Jin asked annoyed, he hadn't even ate breakfast.

"The feminine one in the entire group." Yoongi stretched and the younger couldn't do anything more than smile.

Taehyung had finally walked into the living room after coming out of him and Jungkook's shared dorm. Jungkook originally shared a room with Jimin as part of their deal, but Taehyung hated sleeping alone in his room and only wanted Jungkook to be his sleeping buddy.

Yoongi glanced at Taehyung as he walked in. "Nevermind about that. When are we leaving?" Yoongi questioned quickly as he got up from the couch. Sadly, he didn't feel the same way about Jimin.

"As soon as Jin hyung is done complaining about everyone." The maknae told which earned a dirty glare from Jin.

"Okay, Namjoon is finally out of the damn shower after 5 years. So now we're getting somewhere, Yoongi your ass is finally up, and Tae you finally reappeared from the magic shop." The eldest was not pleased.

Namjoon was usually the one doing all the yelling. He walked in with his last bag and threw it onto the couch next to Yoongi. "Hey, please watch where you throw your shit." Yoongi responded angrily.

"Sorry Yoongi, I almost forgot you were on your period today." Namjoon said playfully.

Jimin smirked a little, but later on turned into a frown as he saw Hoseok approaching Yoongi and hugging him from behind. "Hoseok, are you ready to go now?" Yoongi wondered while turning his head to see Hoseok.

"Yes, I've been waiting for you to help me finish packing." Hoseok gave a wild smirk. Jimin didn't look too comfortable seeing Hoseok and Yoongi all hugged up. Jimin really hated the sight.

He finally approached them.

"Hoseok, didn't you say you needed help packing?" Jimin asked as he tried pulling Hoseok away from his hyung. Hoseok and Yoongi had been spending a fair amount of time together and Jimin wasn't really a huge fan of it.

He didn't know why, but he just didn't like it. All of the members were supposed to always hang out with each other, even individually, but Jimin never got that chance with his hyung, Yoongi.

"Hey, guys. Why don't you three go wait in the van and I'll get Hoseok's bag, okay?" Jin suggested as he went upstairs to Hoseok and Namjoon's dorm.

Hoseok had already made one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

Where there's smoke there's a fire nearby.

A/N: Yeahh, this book was under construction for a while, yes it has a completely newer and better understanding plot. The one I was going for wasn't right, so this is an edited version. Don't forget to vote!💜

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