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Yoongi hadn't been home since Friday, it was Wednesday. Namjoon and the rest of the members had been worried sick about him, especially Jimin and Hoseok. They all believed he had purchased his own apartment and living there, but that was only a rumor.

"We should make it public. Maybe someone knows where he is." Jimin suggested just to be shut down again.

"No, Jimin. He's only been gone for five days. He maybe just needs some time alone. I'm sure Yoongi wouldn't want the media to know his disappearance." Namjoon told grabbed a fresh slice of cooked ham from the refrigerator.

"Namjoon's right, Yoongi is a very private person. There has to be a reason to why he left without telling anyone where he went." Jin proclaimed as his breathing deepened. He felt like he was having another panic attack. He'd been panicking since Yoongi left.

"This is worse than when you kicked him out of the house, but at least he came back and explained himself." Jungkook mumbled. Speaking from the maknae of the group, Jungkook was also worried about his hyung.

"Nicole." Hoseok said in a bitter tone. "That bitch probably kidnapped him and is holding his hostage right now. You know she would do it. She would do anything in her power to break us and I think that's what happened. She has our Yoongi."

All of the members stared at Hoseok for a second to understand what he had just said until Jimin spoke up. "That has to be the most stupidest thing you've ever said. Yoongi isn't a toddler. It's kinda impossible to kidnap Yoongi hyung without it being noticed."

"Well do you have a better reason Yoongi hyung could be missing, for five damn days?" Hoseok asked Jimin, but Jimin didn't answer, nor did he acknowledge Hoseok.

"Guys calm down, I called our manager and he told me that Yoongi called him four days ago and that he's fine, but he didn't tell me where he was." Namjoon confessed which earned confused faces from all of the members.

"What do you mean he didn't tell you. Doesn't he know that Yoongi is a part of us? We deserve to know where are best friend is." Seokjin exclaimed and sighed.

"I'm sure if Yoongi was in any danger then he'd tell us, right? C'mon, he probably just needs a break from all of us for a while. Y'know Nicole was so mean to him and also lied about him hurting her. He needs time to himself." The leader summoned.

Jungkook and Taehyung nodded their head as Taehyung began to speak, "Well when is he coming back?"

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders and pursed his lips before taking a bite out of his ham and speaking. "Hopefully before are next comeback. We can't do this without Yoongi."

All of them listened, but Jimin didn't want to listen to anyone else talk about his favorite hyung. He felt a part of him was gone without him there. He needed to know if he was really as safe as he said he was.

Why would he leave so suddenly. At the time I need him the most. At least call me like you did last time. If you need to cry in my lap again then you can. I won't judge you. Just come back home Yoongi.


"So you're basically running away from your problems instead of trying to sit there and solve them." A friend of Yoongi's assumed as Yoongi nodded in response.

"I am trying to solve them. That's the reason I came here, Jiyong. I want you to help me solve this since my mind is on vacation right now." Yoongi proclaimed whilst placing his hands over his crossed legs. "I needed someone to talk to that I don't see everyday."

"I see you only call and visit me when you need help with something, or you're in trouble. I'm not you're lawyer and I'm surely not your counselor." Jiyong said before taking a sip of tea from his mug. Yoongi scratched his head and rolled his eyes at his friend's response.

Kwon Jiyong had been by Yoongi's side since he could remember. They were childhood friends almost. Even though Jiyong didn't like him too much back then, but they still kept in contact after they both debuted.

"Ugh, fine. I guess you're going to make me help you. What's the problem?" The elder questioned in annoyance, not wanting to have to give Yoongi advice like he always would do.

"I'm in a love triangle with two of my best friends."

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