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"I'm so confused Kookie." Taehyung huffed in a sophisticated voice. He held his head down and gazed at the carpeted floor of the hotel suite.

"What? What do you mean, confused? Did you forget the password to your phone?" Jungkook asked in curiosity as he reached over to Taehyung's bed, attempting to snatch his phone, but the older grabbed ahold of him and sat him on his lap in the process.

Jungkook immediately arose from the elder and swung his hair out from the front of his face. "I'm going to go take a shower. If you're still confused then go talk to Namjoon-ah." With that, Jungkook had disappeared into the bathroom, fastening the door behind him.

Jungkook quickly started the shower, slipping off his clothes. He felt as if he was going to have a panic attack.

What the hell was that about? Jungkook asked himself as he stared in the mirror at his bare figure. He squished his cheeks as they turned red with either fear or overwhelm. He had just sat on one of his friend's lap. Why was that such a big deal to him? Maybe because he felt flustered by the way Taehyung had looked and grabbed him.

The fact that it all happened in 0.5 seconds made him feel like it was at least 2 seconds. But why did he move so fast? It was probably his plan to grab him and...

And what.

Just stare at each other until they were both hypnotized in each other's eyes, or even until it was time for bed. Only time could tell, but Jungkook knew he had to leave out of the room sooner than later. Jungkook noticed that he was still naked and hadn't even attempted to step in the now steamy shower.

He had wasted perfectly good hot water, but Jungkook had other problems to worry about. Himself, Jimin, and Taehyung.

Jimin and Jungkook made an unbreakable deal which he had came up with on his own. Since Jungkook chose Jimin as his favorite hyung he wasn't allowed to regret his decision for 5 long years.

Weird deal, but Jungkook didn't hesitate to agree with it. Meaning they had to share a dorm together for 5 years. That's when Taehyung felt left out and alone. He and Jungkook shared rooms and even the same bed together. Now he was moving in with Jimin.

Jungkook ran his fingers through his wet dark brown hair as the showerhead rapidly poured water over his hair and through his fingertips. He felt a sign of distress and relief; the soothing rhythm of water hitting the tiled shower wall aroused him.

A knock on the bathroom door echoed through the spacy area, enough for Jungkook to call, "Yes?"

Not thinking of whom he had left stranded in the room alone he slowly turned off the water and peeked through the shower curtain. To his surprise it was no one other than his favorite hyung on the entire planet.

"Kookie-ah, hurry and dry off. We're holding an important meeting in 10 minutes, or less and we can't start before you." Jimin informed whilst peeking through the cracked door, giving him a respectful bow as he closed the door.

When Jungkook had finished dressing himself in some of his flashiest clothes, Taehyung gave him all his attention as Jungkook stared at all of them. "Um, what is this?"

Jin took the lead as he sat next to Hoseok. "This is about Yoongi and his girlfriend. As you all may know, Nicole...is a troll. She's a golddigger and Yoongi's the gold. We're here to stop her from digging any further."

"That is why Yoongi isn't with us right now." Hoseok admitted as Jimin finally walked into the room.

"Namjoon is in the other room with Yoongi. I think they're rehearsing their lines, and no Namjoon doesn't know we're doing this. I told him we're singing." Jimin confessed as he ruffled his hair out. He couldn't keep a secret for as long as he could hold his breath. He wanted to get everyone in on their plan as soon as possible.

"So basically we're betraying Yoongi and hurting him without him even noticing. No deal, and I actually like his girlfriend. I think she's adorable." Jungkook cringed at his own words and wanted to vomit.

The other members stared at the maknae in disbelief. After what she had done to them, to him.

"Are you serious? Do you not remember when she purposely stepped all over your new Timberlands with her ugly thigh highed boots?" Jimin asked his favorite dongsaeng.

"I was kidding, and don't ever bring up that awful incident again. She still owes me for what she did. I'll never forget about it." Jungkook admitted as he gritted his teeth together. He never once had a good impression on his hyung's girlfriend.

"So are you in, or not?" Hoseok asked impatiently as the rest of the members awaited for Jungkook's response.

"In what exactly? Yoongi hyung is really stubborn. He's not going to be breaking up with Nicole anytime soon." The brown haired maknae sighed and rested his head in the palm of his cupped hands. He was right, Yoongi wasn't that easy to persuade.

"Breaking Yoongi and Nicole up forever." Taehyung replied as he gave Jungkook a boxy grin. The younger wasn't 100 percent sure about the whole plan, but if Jimin was in on it then he would be too.

Jungkook nodded as he scooped his phone from off of his bed.

"We won't have to see Yoongi hyung suffer any longer once that troll is gone." Jin told as he walked outside of the room.

"Correct, but does anyone know the wifi password?"

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