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Yoongi felt a slight moment of nostalgia. He had regretted telling Nicole that he had loved her. It was sad(not actually), but he still wanted to put his trust and respect in her.

He wasn't the type to give up after only a few tries.

Hoseok and the rest of the members walked into the room Namjoon and Yoongi were in. That's when commotion polluted the quiet room.

"Are you two done yet?" Jin asked Namjoon whom was lying across his bed, half asleep.

"We finished almost an hour ago. We should go get ice cream." Namjoon yawned as he arose from his bed in a fluid motion. "Why did it get quiet all of a sudden?"

Yoongi sat on his bed in a silent and petulant way. Him and his girlfriend had gotten into an argument, again, but this time longer than the last. He wasn't feeling well at the time and just wanted to sit on the bathroom floor and think about everything.

Maybe cry, maybe not.

It depended on what his emotions wanted him to do that day.

He was more angry than anything. He couldn't stand liars and his girlfriend had lied to him about staying home alone at her house. She wasn't even home at all. Instead she was at a guy friend's house whom she said was like a brother to her.

Yoongi finally got the truth out of her and realized that that wasn't just a guy friend. It was her ex boyfriend.

He felt a little betrayed that Nicole didn't just tell him that in the beginning. Yoongi was very understanding and he would know how to handle the situation. He wasn't the type to jump to conclusions, but it made him lose a percent of trust he had for her.

"Why are you all in here all of a sudden? Is there something you wanted to tell us?" Yoongi asked in a very annoyed tone of voice. He wasn't having one of the best days, but didn't think his day would get any better.

"Can we not just hang out together? Our week here is almost up and our concert is tomorrow. Why does it look like you don't like us anymore, hyung." The maknae proclaimed as he sat in bed next to Yoongi.

Brave move.

Yoongi sat himself up so he was actually facing his dongsaeng. "Is that what you really think? Is that what you all think? Hoseok where were you when Namjoon and I were practicing?"

Hoseok looked confused and didn't like the attention he was now getting.

"With the others. I don't see how that matters." Hoseok told in an almost cold voice. He didn't want to get on Yoongi's dark side so he quickly apologized. "I didn't mean to talk back to you. I'm sorry, I know you're going through a hard time with your girlfriend and all."

"Ex girlfriend. She's my ex girlfriend." Yoongi muttered out as he laid back in his bed. That comment made everyone gasp in acknowledgement. Since when did this happen.

"Do you mean Nicole? You two finally broke up?" Namjoon asked his hyung. It was a bit odd, but it could explain why Yoongi was so moody that day.

The rest of the members went and sat next to Yoongi whom didn't really mind at all. He actually liked the attention and company he was getting from the members, his best friends.

The ones who comforted him even on his worst days.

Yoongi smiled.

"Yah! There's the smile everyone had been waiting for!" Hoseok laughed as he tackled Yoongi onto the bed, hovering over him. "I love you Yoongi hyung. I love you! I love you! I love you!" Hoseok yelled whilst planting kisses on Yoongi's face.

Yoongi squirmed as he attempted to escape from Hoseok's hands gripped around his wrists. "S-Someone get him away."

Jimin was quick to take action. "Hoseok stop," Jimin demanded as he pulled Hoseok away from Yoongi's bed. "You're being childish."

"You're one to talk. I'm your hyung, Jimin." Hoseok snickered as he backed away from Jimin.

That's when one of the wars started.

This was the start of Jimin's protectiveness.


Today was the day.

Their concert day, and everyone was excited, including Yoongi this time. They could finally go home after then.

"Tell Taehyung to pass me my water." Jin told Jimin whom was warming up for their first song.

"Taehyung-ah!" Jimin called which startled the younger for a second. "Jin hyung wants water and he said if you didn't give it to him then he'll burn your Gucci tie."

Taehyung's face was full of horror as he aggressively threw Jin the bottle which made the elder burst into laughter. "Jiminie, I think you were maybe a little too dramatic."

"Tae is the drama queen here. Ever since Jungkook chose me as his favorite hy-" Jimin was cut off as Namjoon walked into the room.

"We're starting. Is everyone okay? Is everyone ready?" Namjoon asked with a concerned look on his face as he saw Taehyung's face flared with red. "What just happened? Tae are you blushing?"

Namjoon's comment sent the entire room into audible laughter which made the leader even more confused to the situation.

"Is he actually blushing?" Namjoon asked, awaiting impatiently for the laughter to stop until he grew annoyed. "Nevermind, okay so is everyone ready?"

"Yes we are now let's go!" Yoongi proclaimed rapidly as he lead the way out of the dressing room.

The performance went smoothly. Better than what everyone had thought. Taehyung was nervous and clung onto Jungkook's hand as they were being greeted. Seeing so many fans in such a huge place was overwhelming for all seven of them.

It was understandable, knowing that they hadn't had a concert in a while since their last comeback.

One thing that caught the audience off guard was the fact that Yoongi had accidentally groped Hoseok onstage. At least that's what it looked like.

The other members thought it was the funniest mistake ever. Out of all the times they'd fallen, or even tripped onstage. This was the funniest yet.

But Jimin wasn't too thrilled about it.

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