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Everyone had taken a nap and rested before they could go on with the rest of the day. Hoseok had stayed in Yoongi's dorm and slept parallel next to him.

Jimin Taehyung, and Jungkook collapsed on the couch right beside each other.

"Have any of you seen slippers?" Namjoon asked as he rubbed his eyes and yawned, but he didn't hear an answer. He glanced at Jimin Taehyung, and Jungkook whom were slumbering on the couch in the living room. "Jin hyung."

Jin placed his finger on the page of a book he was reading as he glared up at Namjoon whom he'd met eyes with.

"No Joonie I haven't. You probably left them back in America." Jin snickered as he grabbed his glasses and positioned them on the bridge of his nose.

Namjoon sighed as he barged into Taehyung and Jungkook's bedroom hoping to find his slippers.

Jin placed his bookmark inside of his book and watched from afar as Namjoon turned their bedroom upside down searching for his prized possession.

"What do they look like Namjoon?" The elder questioned as the younger jolted from underneath Taehyung's bed. He had a hint of nervousness on his face.

"They have spots on them. With a tongue sticking out, and blue eyes." Namjoon explained as he sat himself on the hard, yet soft, carpeted floor.

"You own SpongeBob slippers?" Jin asked and Namjoon nodded. "I hadn't seen those before. Are you sure they were yours?"

"Yes I'm sure, hyung. The reason I haven't showed them to you or any of the others is because I'll be the laughing stock of the house." The leader sighed whilst Jin whipping off his glasses from his face. Taehyung was finally awakening when Hoseok barged into the room.

"Hey guys guess what I did!" Hoseok exclaimed leaving the others in confusion so he answered for himself, "I blocked Nicole from Yoongi's phone."

Namjoon and Jin both stopped what they were doing and stared at Hoseok. Then Jin's face formed a smile in approval.

"I'm so proud of you Hobi. Thank God, the witch is dead. What did Yoongi say about it? Was he relieved?" Jin questioned as he placed his hands on top of Hoseok's shoulders.


Hoseok's smile vanished. He'd taken Yoongi's phone without permission and blocked Nicole. He didn't do it out of selfishness, at least that's what he thought.

He did it for the sake of Yoongi's happiness.

"Well he didn't say anything about it. Honestly, he wasn't even aware that I blocked her." Hoseok admitted as he felt Jin slightly push him back. "Yah! She was being annoying."

"If Yoongi wanted her blocked then he'd do it himself. Why did you do it without his knowledge?" Jin questioned, but Hoseok couldn't find the correct words to say that'd not make him seem self-centered.

Namjoon approached Hoseok slowly, "I'm sure Hobi has his reasons just like the rest of us. Nicole isn't as nice as she looks, but I know Hoseok, and he wouldn't go out of his way to block someone from someone else's phone unless it was absolutely necessary, is that right?"

Hoseok quickly nodded in response.

"But then again, you're still not off the hook. You stole my box of delicious chocolate chip cookies. They had no way of defending themselves. You ate them right in front of my face." Namjoon prompted. "Don't act like you forgot what happened that night."

"Namjoon-ah, don't you remember when I bought you that mega chocolate chip cookie? Didn't that replace the ones you lost?" The elder inquired, Namjoon didn't waste his time looking at Jin. He knew that what he was saying was nonsense. Nothing could replace the scrumptious cookies he was anxious to devour.

"That's not the same. Those cookies were meant for me. They were meant for my mouth and my mouth only. Do you know how bad I wanted them? How do you think a horny man with no hands would feel? Desirous." Jin didn't think cookies were such a big deal, but Namjoon took everything he'd ever owned seriously.

"I should file a complaint on all of you." Yoongi frowned as he rubbed his weary brown eyes. "I could hear Namjoon from my room."

"How much did you hear?" Hoseok asked as he turned his face toward Yoongi.

"All I heard was Namjoon complaining about cookies that he'd lost."

"I didn't lose them! When we were in America Hobi stole them from the refrigerator in the night when we were all asleep!" Namjoon blurted out which made Yoongi roll his eyes at the both of them.

"I didn't actually steal them if you saw me take them." Hoseok defended himself as he saw Namjoon's nose flare up.

"You did steal them you little rat!" Namjoon yelled at his hyung and pointed. "He probably left crumbs in the bed."

"That's in the past now. We're home and safe. What does cookies have to do with anything right now?" Jin questioned, but no one answered, "I thought so. Now can we drop this and eat?"

"I guess. I can't kill or hate Hoseok now can I? I forgive you I guess." Namjoon proclaimed as he ran his fingers through his pink hair. "What are we eating by the way?"

"Can we eat peace and quiet for dinner? All three of us heard Hoseok and Namjoon hyung bickering." Jungkook told as he stood up from the couch.

"I want tofu pudding." Jimin exclaimed as Yoongi glared down at him. The younger's eyes met with his and he felt pure bliss. His messy bed hair made the elder look even more gorgeous, until Yoongi lips started to move.

"Jiminie you look like a roach when you wake up."

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