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"I'm in a love triangle with two of my best friends." Yoongi confessed which made his heart want to beat of his chest. That had never happened before which made it even more weird. Yoongi really couldn't talk to anyone, except to Jiyong. He was mature enough to give him relevant advise.

There was a long pause but it wasn't something Jiyong hadn't heard a person say before. It even happened to him a few times. "Do you love them back?" He questioned tersely.

"N-No," The younger responded and quickly assured, "I mean I love them, both of them. It's neutral. I just don't love them in the way they love me."

Jiyong bit his bottom lip and nodded slowly. "How does your girlfriend feel about that?"

There was another long pause before Yoongi cleared his throat and stared down at his feet. "Nicole broke up with me about 2 weeks ago. I've been happily single ever since." He admitted which made the elder's mouth agape.

"Oh...are you afraid to get into another relationship right now? Is that the reason you left, it's too much for you to handle isn't it?" The elder asked which was nothing but the truth.

But what he didn't know was that Yoongi lived with them.

"Yeah, that's exactly why..." The blue haired trailed off as he finally made eye contact with Jiyong. "...there's something I have to tell you."

Jiyong's face fell into a serious expression as he adjusted the black hat on his head. "What is it? Did you get one of them pregnant?" He asked and the younger shook his head no. "Wait...did you cheat on Nicole?"

Yoongi shook his head again, even though sometimes he felt like he was the one being cheated on. He wish he would've cheated on her, but that wouldn't had made him any better than her.

But at least someone would've appreciated him.

"They're not females, they're males." The younger confessed which made Jiyong open his mouth even wider than before. "And to be more specific, it's Hoseok and Jimin." He told, Jiyong couldn't open his mouth any wider, but if he could I would've dropped to the floor.

"You're joking with me, right?" The elder wanted it to be a joke and laugh about it, but Yoongi wasn't at all laughing about it. He formed a smirk on his face with a small sigh, that's when Jiyong knew he was serious.

Yoongi held his head down whilst running his fingers through his bright blue hair. "I wish I was. When Hobi told me that...he had real feelings for me, I thought he was kidding..." Yoongi paused as he pushed himself back into his seat.

The elder coughed and averted his eyes away from Yoongi. "What about Jimin? How did you feel when he told you?"

The younger stopped and stared at the wall polluted with individual pictures of him, his wife, and child. They appeared to be happy. Something Yoongi had been wanting since he was a trainee.

Happiness and a family of his own. He felt like he was ready for that, but Namjoon told him that it wasn't the time for that right now. He had a very successful career and he couldn't afford to have an actual real relationship with anyone.

Nicole reminded him that he didn't need girlfriend to be happy. He didn't need love from anyone, only his family, friends, and fans.

"Anger. I didn't feel anything but anger and guilt." The younger admitted, "I'm angry because the both of them are fighting because of me. I understand why they'd been lying to me about being fine. I feel guilty because I'm the cause of it."

"You don't want to make the ultimate decision. You know you love both of them and you're afraid you'll hurt them even more if you tell them. Because they're probably fighting over you right now and they only want you to love one of them." The elder explained, as if he knew exactly what was happening.

Yoongi swallowed as his throat became even dryer. "You're right...but I don't want them to fight each other. What do I do?"

"Well, there's only one thing you can do and that's tell them the truth. Tell them how you really feel about the both of them. That's the best thing to do." The elder proclaimed. Yoongi didn't really like the idea, but somewhere inside of him knew it was what he needed to do.


Jimin lazed around the house, he was trying his best to kept his distance away from Hoseok. Him and Hoseok hadn't really made any good progress since they last talked. He didn't think the two of them was ever going to communicate as long as Yoongi was still missing.

He stopped by Namjoon's dorm for the sixth time wanting to know if he'd heard anything about Yoongi, sadly he didn't. Jimin passed everyone's room until he reached his and Jungkook's. It was empty as always and that's exactly how Jimin liked it; but all he could worry about was Yoongi.

Then he wondered what he could've said to make Yoongi leave without telling him where he went.

"The fact that Hoseok also feels the same way about you let's me know that there's going to have to be a competition between the both of us." Jimin's thoughts were all over the place from that day. He remembered telling Yoongi and how it didn't matter to him how Yoongi felt about it.

"That's why we're bickering. Are you happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?" He then realized something. Something he was so blind in. He felt guilty for being so blunt with Yoongi. He couldn't control himself, Jimin was on an emotional rollercoaster while Hoseok was on the carousel.

"I'm sorry Yoongi. This is my fault isn't it? The reason you're not here is because of what I said, right?" Jimin said aloud, pulling his phone out of his pocket hoping he would've heard an update on Yoongi; but he came up cold handed.

He strolled through the text message conversation in his phone of him and Yoongi. Back when everything was normalcy.

No. I can't blame this on me. This is all of Nicole's fault. She blinded him from the start and now she's making him run away from us, again. Maybe it is true. Nicole probably has Yoongi. That stupid redheaded devil.

Oh wait.

My hair is red too.

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