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I envy their friendship. Do they know how stupid that sounds? Hoseok questioned himself. He knew he couldn't be jealous of his own friends, but what he didn't know was that he was lying to himself.

"What are you thinking about?" Hoseok heard a familiar voice ask from behind him as he turned his head. There stood a red headed Min Yoongi. Hoseok glared up at him in astonishment. He never looked so handsome to him.

"Where has this Yoongi been? Why are you always changing your hair color every weekend." Hoseok questioned scooting himself over so that Yoongi could sit, but Yoongi continued to stand in his place. "You know that's too many chemicals in your hair. Wait where are you going?"

"Why do you always ask a question with another question?" Yoongi inquired.

"Why do you always ask a question with another question Yoongi?" The younger repeated with emphasis. The room fell silent enough for you to hear faint footsteps from the other side of the door. "Who is that?" He asked, not waiting for Yoongi to answer before opening the door to see Jimin leaning against the door.

Jimin immediately withdrew away from the door the second his eyes met Hoseok's. He remembered their altercation that happened and didn't want to make things any worse that what it already was.

"I-I- Hi." Jimin stuttered, making Hoseok roll his eyes in disappointment. He didn't understand what Jimin had on him neither did he know why Jimin was trying so hard to hang out with Yoongi, alone. He found him extremely annoying.

"Where are you two going?" Hoseok asked.

"We thought we should go to the theater since me and Yoongi hyung hadn't spent much time together. Plus, I don't remember the last time me and him watched a movie together." Jimin explained, rocking on his tiptoes and heels.

"You know Yoongi loves action and horror movies. They have a lot of gore in them, are you sure you could handle that Park Jimin?" Hoseok questioned curiously with a smirk on his face while quickly staring from Jimin to Yoongi. The younger nodded, praying he wouldn't have nightmares.

"We don't have to watch anything like that Jiminie. There's this new movie that came out. It's about horses." The elder assured Jimin. He knew Hoseok would say something like that to him only because he wanted to make Jimin scared and not want to go anymore, but that was out of the question. Jimin was willing to do anything in his power to be with Yoongi even if that meant he had to watch a horrible movie and have nightmares after.

"Oh, I almost forgot. He was your favorite dongsaeng." Hoseok faked a smile while clinching his cheeks together. "I hope you have fun Yoongi hyung." There was bitter taste in his mouth as he said his name. For some reason he felt as if his heart was breaking in two.

Yoongi read Hoseok's expression and he knew that it wasn't pleasant which made him feel bad for Hoseok.

"We'll talk later Hobi, yeah?" Yoongi said as he walked himself out of the bedroom door with Jimin aside. Hoseok did nothing but nod his head and quickly shut the door and locking it.

He was so afraid to ask if he could come along with the two of them. It wasn't like Jimin and Yoongi were actually going on a date anyway, but Hoseok thought he'd be third wheeling.

But wasn't it normal to go to the movies with your best friends without getting jealous of your friend for talking to your best friend.

He was for sure going to be a third wheel.


"I told you I didn't care what movie we watched. We don't have to watch a children's movie." Jimin explained, shoving a handful of buttered popcorn into his vast mouth.

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