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"I'm in love with you Yoongi. I hoped you'd say the same." Those words ran through Jimin's mind. He was so confused as to what had happened last night, and why it had happened so suddenly.

Jimin stared at Hoseok from across the dining table, wondering what the hell was going through Hoseok's mind. He had been wanting to make peace with Hoseok and apologize for punching him, but...

He figured he deserved it.

Hoseok was literally doing anything in his power to make Yoongi fall for him the way he wrongly fell for Nicole. He wanted that title, but instead of being Yoongi's girlfriend, he'd be his boyfriend. Then they could produce songs together as a couple.

That's what Hoseok wanted, but he wasn't the only person who wanted that with Yoongi.

Jimin continued to eye Hoseok's every move. Studying his facial expressions. Counting the about of times he would chew his food, even observing his breathing patterns.

It sounded impossible, but for Jimin it was simple. He believed Hoseok was too simple and boring to be in love with a guy like Yoongi.

"Aren't you hungry Jimin?" He heard Namjoon ask which cut his attention away from Hoseok's face. Jimin picked at his pancakes with a fork before sexily shoving some into his mouth. He knew he was in the spotlight and that Yoongi was staring at him too.

Yoongi choked on his own breath before taking a gulp of his cup of cranberry juice. Jungkook grinned, trying not to laugh out loud at his hyung before Jin plucked the maknae on the side of the head.

"Did everyone sleep well last night?" Jin asked everyone.

"I dreamt about you hyung." Namjoon grinned and Jin couldn't help but smile. He sat his silver chopsticks prepared for what Namjoon had to say about him. "Yoongi hyung and I were in a time machine that went into outer space, but the only confusing thing about it was that there wasn't aliens, we were bunnies."

Jin's smile slowly deformed as Namjoon continued his story.

"That dream sounds stupid and boring." Yoongi commented which made Jimin and the others laugh. Namjoon banged his hands on the table in annoyance, accidentally breaking the plate in front of him.

"Namjoon-ah! You broke the plate with your bear hands!" Jin scolded before pushing the younger slightly making him fall out of his chair.

"Bears don't have hands Jin hyung, they have paws." Taehyung told the elder before he felt a hand smack him on the back of his head. "Ow! Why are you so violent when we're at the table? I think cooking is doing something to you Jin hyung."

"I think me cooking for us is doing everyone just fine. You and Jungkook are the only ones who complain. Maybe you two should just cook for yourselves." The elder suggested which made Jungkook remember the time when he and Namjoon tried baking brownies in the microwave and set the microwave on fire.

But then Jungkook thought about it.

He could live off of Yoongi's food since he didn't eat much anyway.

"I think I can manage hyung. Pancakes aren't that hard to bake in the oven anyway." Jungkook confirmed.

"That's the thing Jeon Jungkook, you can't cook. You don't bake pancakes in the oven. You make them on the stove. But I'll make a deal with you. If you can prove to me that you can survive without me cooking for you then..." The elder paused as he glared at Taehyung "Then I'll let you have my room."

Yoongi threw his hand up in the air and yelled, "I've been asking to borrow your room for years and you're giving jungle kook over here an opportunity to have it?! Hyung!" Jin smirked and stood up from the dining room table as he walked into the kitchen which Yoongi didn't hesitate to follow behind.

"I said what I said and I'm not changing my mind. You know good damn well Jungkook isn't going to be able to make food for himself. He's going to be drooling over my freshly cooked food. So you really have nothing to be worried about Yoongi." Jin confessed which made Yoongi feel some sort of relief. "But that doesn't mean you can borrow my room after he loses the deal."

Before Jin knew it, Yoongi had walked out of the kitchen.


Hoseok was in the shower in him and Yoongi's room. He took very long showers which used up all the hot water from the rest of the members which annoyed Jimin.

That's why he waited outside the bathroom door for Hoseok to come out. As soon as Jimin heard the shower turn off he immediately hopped up to his feet.

What kind of person takes 30 minutes in the shower. His skin should be shriveled up like raisins. He already looks like a dried up mushroom. What more could he be doing in there. Jimin wondered until he heard the door click open.

"La la la la la, la la l-Ah!" Hoseok screeched before falling onto the bedroom floor. "Jimin, what the hell are you doing in here? Get out before I tell Yoongi!" The elder said as he covered himself with his towel.

"I'm not interested in seeing your stupid naughty bits. Tell me why you take ten freaking hours to wash your ugly self." The younger commanded, making Hoseok form a from on his face. "Tell me!"

"Why does it matter to you how long I take a shower. Maybe you should spend most of your time in the shower because you surely need one." The elder spat as he got himself up from the floor. "Please leave. I need to get dressed."

"Why do you need to get dressed? You look ugly in everything you wear anyway." The younger felt proud of his comeback. He had been learning and taking notes on how to win an argument and he felt he was doing pretty well.

"Would you rather see me naked? I don't think your eyes could handle all of this sunlight. It will blind you, or maybe you're already blind since you can't see that I want you to leave." Hoseok was pulling all the right strings on Jimin and he didn't mind a bit, because words didn't hurt him anymore.

"I might be blind, but at least I'm not desperate for someone who doesn't even love you."

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