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As soon as Jimin and Yoongi stepped through the front door, they were greeted with chaos.

"Where the hell did you two go? Hobi told me about you Jimin. Why did you threaten Hoseok?" The elder asked in a bit so calm tone. Yoongi and Jimin were more than confused by what was happening. "Jimin!"

Jimin's lips twitched, but he didn't respond. "Jimin didn't do or say anything Jin. Hoseok is obviously jealous of us for some reason and wanted all of you guys to be angry at Jimin for something he didn't do."

Jin exchanged glares with Jimin and turned back to face Hoseok with his arms crossed across his chest. It made a lot of sense to Jin, since Hoseok had already openly admitted to having some sort of jealousy over Jimin.

"Is that true Hobi, or did Jimin really threaten to kill you?" Jin questioned which earned a gasp from both Jimin and Yoongi.

"He said I threatened to kill him?" Jimin finally responded, "That's a little too drastic don't you think. Before you try to lie about me, at least make it sound believable." He spat as he walked himself upstairs to his room.

Yoongi didn't have anything else left to say before be followed Jimin upstairs to find his in only his underwear. "Um, so I see you don't need my help anymore."

"Yeah." The younger said blankly before giving Yoongi the dirty look. "You staring at me is making me very uncomfortable."

The elder quickly closed his eyes as if he'd never seen Jimin half naked before. "I'm sorry. I know you're probably mad about everything that just happened. Not only that, but your still ashamed of yourself."

The younger didn't respond, but instead, Yoongi heard the bathroom door slam which meant Jimin had completely ignored him and locked himself in the bathroom. Yoongi heaved a deep sigh to himself while running his slender fingers through his bangs. "Well fuck."


The next morning, Jimin knew he had to make peace with Hoseok, or they were going to be at each other's throats forever.

Jimin knocked softly on Hoseok and Yoongi's door. He felt his heart about to drop. His crush/favorite hyung and his worse enemy, other than Yoongi's ex girlfriend, was sharing the same room together and he couldn't stand it.

A few moments later, the door swung open, exposing Yoongi in a red vintage bathrobe. His hair was messy and wet as if he'd just come out of the shower. Jimin's throat felt completely dry and wanted nothing more than to be right underneath Yoongi's robe.

Yoongi greeted the younger with a thin smile as he spoke, "Good morning Jiminie. Is there something wrong?" He asked with a concerned plastered on his face.

"No, nothing that has anything to do with you. I just came here to talk to Hoseok." Jimin confessed, eyeing Hoseok from behind Yoongi. He was also wearing a vintage robe, but was in a shade of gray.

Hoseok ruffled his hair, sitting himself on the edge of his bed. He didn't make eye contact with Jimin, but instead averted his head away from him. "Well Jimin, if you have to say something to me then say it quick. Yoongi and I have plans for today."

The red head rolled his eyes before stepping inside the room. "You and Yoongi hyung have plans? Why are you always going somewhere with him and nobody else. He's not the only person in this house you do know that right Hoseok?"

"I know he's not the only person in the house, but he's the only person who doesn't need to be around you at all, you toxin." Hoseok spat whilst grabbing a t-shirt from out if his wardrobe.

Toxin? How dare he.

"Are you seriously still mad about some shit that happened weeks ago? You really had the nerve to lie to our hyung about me threatening to kill you? Are you that fucking pathetic!" Jimin growled before running over to Hoseok and punching him in the face. Hoseok fell backwards over the bed to avoid Jimin from striking him once again.

"Get off of me Jimin!" Hoseok demanded before Yoongi took action and pulled the younger away from Hoseok's presence.

Yoongi quickly yanked Jimin outside the bedroom so he could regain himself. Jimin was shaking emotionally as he slid down the side of the wall. "What is happening to me?"

"Your temper is getting out of control. You can't manage your own anger anymore." Yoongi coughed, "Remember the old Jimin. The one who use to throw tempter tantrums when he didn't get what he wanted, and remember when we use to laugh it off?" The elder asked and the younger slowly nodded his head.

"Well I miss that Jimin. He was the cute Jimin..." Yoongi paused. "But this Jimin, he's getting aggressive when he doesn't get what he wants. You're like a lion out of its cage when you're angry."

Jimin looked up at his favorite hyung with a hopeful smile. "Just like you Yoongi."

That's was who Jimin had become.

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