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"I missed the real you." Hoseok grinned showing his teeth. "That's the reason I wanted to be alone with you, hyung."

Yoongi chuckled as he ran his fingers through his hair. The elder didn't actually know what the hell Hoseok meant by that. He always thought of himself as normal and happy.

But everyone around him saw different.

Completely different.

"What do you mean the real me? I've always been the real me. I'll aways be Min Yoongi." The elder said as he did aegyo which made the younger laugh.

That's what Hoseok missed most about Yoongi. His dorky sense of humor.

"Okay, okay, you're the real Yoongi. Now can you please stay that way." Hoseok begged, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's torso.

"Yeah sure I will." Yoongi mumbled, "I'm sorry for what Nicole said to you. It broke my heart when she said it because I know how much it hurt you. I apologize on her behalf."

Hoseok felt a sign of relief hit him. It felt good that Yoongi knew exactly how Hoseok really felt.

"It's okay hyung. She didn't break me, I'm still as joyful as ever. You didn't have to apologize for her. She's the one who needs to apologize." The younger told whilst letting go of his hyung and galloping along the side of the water. "Let's run through the waves!"


Jimin was and still is a very sensitive person. If anyone ever showed him any love or compassion he would gain a little crush on him. It wasn't his fault he was like this.

That's why his nickname was Mochi.

A sweet and adorable human being who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Jimin watched as Jungkook jumped up and down, yelling at what he had just won him. Jungkook took it easy on his hyung since he was short and could barely reach the mini basketball globe Jungkook would lift him up just so he could make the all into the basket and win a prize.

"Yes, you made it! Thank you so much favorite hyung." Jungkook credited Jimin for winning him an Iron Man neck pillow that he'd always wanted to buy, but never did.

"You're welcome Jungkook. What are friends for." The elder smiled as he awkwardly pulled on the sleeves of his gray hoodie. He was so small, his hoodie dangled from his shoulder and his hands were buried in his sleeves. "Should we leave soon?"

"Leave? Why so early, it isn't even 8 o'clock yet." The younger proclaimed before wrapping one if his arms across Jimin's shoulders. The elder shrugged his shoulders and they stayed another two hours until it was getting even more late.

Jungkook and Jimin had finally arrived back home. It was quiet and Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jin were asleep. "Are you sleeping with Taehyung, or me?" Jimin asked as he tiptoed into the kitchen with Jungkook following him.

"Probably Taehyung, he gets really salty when he doesn't wake up next to me. He didn't even want me hanging out with you today." Jungkook confessed as he fetched a bowl from their cabinet.

"Why? Don't tell me he's still upset about you choosing me as his favorite hyung. That was over a year ago." The elder complained while taking a bowl out for himself.

"Yeah, but y'know Tae keeps a grudge for a long time. He would've been my favorite hyung if -" Jungkook was cut off as he heard laughter coming from the front door. To their surprise it was Hoseok and Yoongi.

"As if he could be in any of the Cyphers. I've only heard him rap one time and that was -" Hoseok was cut off by an angry Jimin.

"You are too loud! Everyone is sleeping and you come in late at night as if you're the only one who lives here." Jimin scolded the elder as he glared at Yoongi whom was standing behind Hoseok.

"We're sorry. Aren't you and Jungkook supposed to be asleep too? Why are you two awake at this time of night?" Yoongi butted in, while glaring back at Jimin.

"That doesn't matter. Where the hell were you two? It's almost 3 o'clock in the morning; and why the hell are you two wet?" Jimin responded with irreverence. Jungkook tried his best to stay out if the altercation.

"Stop questioning us. We were just out having fun." Yoongi chuckled as he walked passed Jimin and upstairs into his room leaving Jimin and Hoseok in the living room with Jungkook watching from the kitchen.

"We had lots of fun. The best fun I've ever had with Yoongi." Hoseok smiled as he ran upstairs to meet Yoongi.

Jimin turned around to face Jungkook whom was stuffing his face in a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Jimin was tempted to punch Hoseok in the face. Hoseok knew how much he wanted to spend time with Yoongi.

At least one day.

Hoseok had stolen that time from him.

"What's wrong hyung?" Jungkook asked as he placed his spoon in his bowl. Jungkook was more like Jimin's hanging out buddy. He was basically a replacement for what he couldn't get from Yoongi.

And that was time.

"I know, I've also watched horror movies with Yoongi and he's no fun..." Bull fucking shit. Jimin said to himself in disgust.

Jimin didn't think Yoongi was boring at all. He was the exact opposite. He wondered what the hell were they up to at 3 o'clock in the morning and why were they wet.

Nicole was one problem solved, now Hoseok was becoming am even bigger problem for him.

As if you call jealousy a problem.

"I'm going to bed." Jimin scoffed as he stomped upstairs to him and Jungkook's room. It was more like Jimin's room since Jungkook never slept in there. Taehyung would throw a temper tantrum if he caught Jungkook sleeping without him.

Despite Jimin being Jungkook's favorite hyung, they had to share a room together. It was part of their deal.

"Goodnight favorite hyung." The younger smiled then immediately frowned when he couldn't see Jimin in his sight. He hated being alone, especially when everyone else were asleep.

He knew he would have to creep into Taehyung's room, or else he would wake him which would lead to an angry Taehyung.

Taehyung held a grudge between Jungkook and Jimin; and if he knew that they were hanging out together at this time then he'll be pissed. Not even Jungkook knew the really reason why Taehyung was so upset about something which happened a year ago.

The maknae tiptoed into the upstairs bedroom. It was as dark as night and he couldn't see a thing except for Taehyung's glow in the dark Gucci socks.

Jungkook quickly and quietly slid himself in between the blankets of Taehyung's bed. It was as comfortable as it had always been. Taehyung groaned as he shifted his arms around Jungkook's waist.

Taehyung really missed him.

"Do you have any idea what time it is Kookie?"

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