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"You're lying." Jimin said bluntly, knowing never to call Yoongi a liar, even if he were lying. One of Jimin's pet peeves were people who lied to him and Yoongi was getting onto Jimin's bad side.

"Why are you so observant these days? It's so hard to keep a surprise from you." Yoongi giggled as his heavy breathing had decreased to a normal pace. "Where are you?"

"I'm in the bathroom on the toilet."

"Eww, too much fucking information." Yoongi exclaimed in disgust as he cleared his throat.

"I'm not actually using it you fool." The younger admitted, rolling his eyes in the process.

"Well go into your room."

"There's no food in there." Jimin proclaimed in a sigh which made Yoongi groan through frustration.

"Just go!" And with that, Yoongi ended the call, leaving Jimin in even more confusion.

Jimin slowly and quickly walked out of the bathroom, tiptoing his way upstairs so the other members won't hear him. "Oh shi-"

"Welcome." Yoongi joked, laying himself in Jimin's bed as if it were his bedroom. "We really need better security in this house. I practically just walked in here without being noticed."

Jimin's eyes widened as he stared at Yoongi. He wasn't too surprised, Yoongi couldn't stay too long before he would get homesick. "When did you get here? Jin is going to flip if he knows you're back."

"I'm not worried about Jin hyung. It's very hard for me to take him seriously since he makes dad jokes all the time. I mean have you heard his stupid jokes?" Yoongi asked before Jimin laughed at his statement.

"Well he's not the type to hold grudges for a long time. Trust me, he doesn't hyung. He's done this before to Namjoon hyung remember?" The younger inquired, looking back at the day Jin had kicked Namjoon out of the house for destroying their microwave by putting aluminum foil inside of it.

"Well he kicked him out for one night. At least I didn't break anything." Yoongi defended himself until Jimin completely betrayed him.

"You broke a rule, hyung. You're the one who came up with the rule in the first place." The younger admitted while pushing all of his hair back.

"You're my favorite dongsaeng. How could you not side with me in this one?" The elder questioned in disbelief as he arose from Jimin's bed.

"Because you invited Nicole over to our house without anyone's permission. When you said you were done with her I thought you were serious." The younger said in a more calm and sophisticated tone. Jimin felt annoyance toward Yoongi for betraying all of them and disrespecting their dorm.

"Jimin you're going to have to believe me when I say, I didn't invite her. She came over unexpectedly and caught me completely off guard. She was shamming you guys and I didn't stand for it. I pushed her and she yelled. That's when you all came in." Yoongi explained himself, lifting his head to the ceiling.

"So you calling her here to have sex with her didn't happen?" The younger questioned, staring deep inside the elder's dark brown eyes. Yoongi's face lit up in astonishment.

"No, Jimin. That's not what happened." The younger's eyebrow went aloft.

"Oh. Did you try to -"

"Sexually assault her? No." Yoongi stated, "And I want everyone else to know that." He said as he turned the doorknob, escaping from Jungkook and Jimin's room. Jimin followed behind as they both ran downstairs.

"His lips smelled of mint and onion, and that is not a good compilation." Hoseok screeched as him and Jin laughed as each other at the dining table. Taehyung and Hoseok were telling the story of when they kissing each other, accidentally.

"You smell like soy sauce and hotdog buns." Taehyung confessed which earned himself a pluck at the back of the head. "Ow!"

Taehyung turned his head around, along with Jin's as they laid eyes on Yoongi. "Hyung-ah." He said whilst rubbing the base of his head.

Jin immediately arose from his chair to face Yoongi directly. "Why are you here? Who told you to come back?" The elder asked before glaring down at Jimin. "Of course. Are you going to defend Yoongi?"

"You didn't give him a chance to explain himself, you just kicked him out. Hyung, aren't you supposed to be the eldest in the group. You're so quick to blame someone who's closest to you over someone you don't even like." Jimin explained himself as he stood behind Yoongi. He didn't think it was fair for Yoongi to be overlooked and accused of something before giving him a chance to explain himself.

The elder knew something like this would happen. Nicole wanted everyone to think of Yoongi as a bad person, but that's not what he thought. He was only disappointed in him for letting her step foot inside their home; but he didn't doubt Yoongi would do anything to harm his ex girlfriend.

She was a pain for sure.

Everyone in the dining room eyed Jin, awaiting for him to respond.

"I couldn't kick him out of his own home for more than a day, now could I? I also couldn't live with the fact that every one of you would hate me if I did." Jin proclaimed, giving Yoongi a huge grin. "Welcome back home, Yoongi."

All could be heard then was the sound of clamorous shouting from the others.

"Now our family is complete."

A/N: It's my birthday again!

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