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The entire night was a living hell.

Everytime Jimin would drift off to sleep he would hear Yoongi's phone ring, or chime. Yoongi, surprisingly-not- slept peacefully underneath his blankets.

It was annoying.

Who sleeps when their phone is ringing in their ear? Jimin told himself as he furiously arose from his warm bed, just to silence his hyung's cellphone.

-ding ding-

"Shut up~" The younger whined as he quietly disconnected Yoongi's phone from underneath his pillow.


Thank god.

Jimin slowly slithered back into his comfortable bed where he could finally get a peaceful good night's rest. He stared back at Yoongi with glee as the elder snored in his sleep.

Cute. Wait...since when was snoring, cute?


"Like this, hyung?" Taehyung questioned, not clearly understanding how the dance routine went. "Why aren't my feet moving?"

"Because you're doing it wrong, pabo!" Hoseok giggled as he attempted to teach his dongsaeng the new choreography. "Yes, it was difficult. Yes, it was different, but it's possible." He said which made the younger even more frustrated. They'd been practicing for weeks and Taehyung still hadn't gotten it correctly.

"I'm done." Taehyung let out a heavy sigh as he walked out of the practice room. He had made a promise to himself that he wouldn't overwork himself anymore. He was planning to keep that promise.

"Hyung?" Jungkook rushed behind the elder in concern. He knew Taehyung wasn't the type to quit, or was he?

"I'm fine. I just need a break for the day. You can go on and practice with the hyungs." The elder instructed as he sat himself down on the floor.

"Not without you I'm not. C'mon, we practice together. We're 7, not 6." The younger admitted which didn't change the elders mind.

The brown haired slowly pulled the the elder by his wrist and lowered down to his level. "Kookie...please leave me alone."

Jungkook wasn't expecting those words. Actually, he was expecting much more. He didn't want to leave his hyung alone on the floor.

"I'm a stubborn Kookie." The dongsaeng grinned, sliding his back against the cold plain white wall on the left side of Taehyung.

The boy couldn't help but smile and lean his head against the younger's bare shoulder.

"Guys! We're going out for food, let's go!" Jimin said as he jogged back into their only little practice room to grab his bag. All he really wanted to do was shower and sleep, but his tummy was screaming.

"C'mon," Taehyung stretched as he dusted himself off, reaching his hand for Jungkook's. "What? Do you want me to drag you outside?"

Jungkook just smiled, making himself look more bunnylike. "Are we going to McDonald's?"

"Hopefully Panda Express!" Taehyung proclaimed loudly, linking arms with Jungkook as they skipped outside the building.


Namjoon and Jin argued almost the entire way the the restaurant. Only because Jin didn't know where he wanted to eat and neither did he.

Yoongi didn't want anything to eat since his girlfriend would call him an overeater which would lead him to gain weight. Even though he was already underweight because of it.

Hoseok wanted to go to any restaurant that had burgers, but he didn't have a specific location which made Hoseok no help.

Jimin didn't care where they ate as long as it was edible.

Taehyung wanted Panda Express, which was the only straightforward answer.

Jungkook wanted McDonald's, but immediately changed his choice to Panda Express also.

"Panda Express it is then." Namjoon decided, driving into the newly painted parking lot. "Tae, I owe you one, for actually choosing a restaurant."

"I said burger." Hoseok reminded the leader as they all walked in, one behind the other.

"There's no restaurant here called 'burger'." Namjoon explained to his hyung making Hoseok frown in disappointment. Couldn't he just drive to a burger joint.

"I want chicken! Mushroom chicken!" Taehyung grinned his signature box grin as he stared at the others. "What are you getting hyungs'."

"What on earth is mushroom chicken? That sounds gross." Namjoon asked in disgust as he searched his menu for something normal to eat. He would rather eat a steak dinner than anywhere else.

"It's the best chicken to eat." Jungkook smiled, already knowing what he was going to order. "I'll have what he's having."

"Jungkook is always having what Taehyung's having."

A/N: Don't forget to vote. I love you❤️

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