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Jimin bolted back into his room without turning back. His stomach growled even more as he drank his bottled water as if it were the last thing in the world.

He laid in bed and buried himself underneath his blankets. He didn't want to see another person.

Jin hyung wouldn't understand. He would never understand.

His eyelids then began to feel heavy. His stomach was still rumbling, but he didn't have anything to eat. He figured it wouldn't make since to eat anymore since he was too tired to. He finally closed his eyes gently as he adjusted his head into his pillow.

And dreamland he went.


"That was a complete disaster." Yoongi said aloud to himself as he sat in the dining room alone. It was almost midnight and he didn't have any intention to sleep. His mind was more focused on how Jimin and Hoseok might've felt, mostly Jimin since he hadn't seen him since he stormed out of his room. "The day I come back is the day I make everything worse than what it already was."

Yoongi twirled his straw through his glass of Coca-Cola. He took one sip after the other until it was empty. He wanted to pour himself another glass, but realized he had just drank that already.

He sighed and placed his cold empty glass into the dishwasher since he didn't feel like washing it out himself.

Yoongi was tempted to walk upstairs to him and Hoseok's bedroom and watch television until he fell asleep, but Hoseok was probably sleeping at this hour. Instead, he made his way to the loveseat in the living room and clicked on the television.

He strolled aimlessly through channels that didn't really catch his attention. Until he reached something that caught his eye immediately. It was Goblin.

One of Hoseok's favorite Korean drama t.v. shows. Guardian: The Lonely and Great God, as known as Goblin. God, did Hoseok and Yoongi love watching that show together. Those were the old times when everything wasn't so disoriented. Even then, things weren't the best. Yoongi was then dating his now ex girlfriend, Nicole.

He remembered how often she would call when him and Hoseok would have their movie night. He realized how annoying and clingy she was to him. Such a problematic human being.

She wasn't whom she'd claim to be. The woman Yoongi loved was someone whom was humble and kindhearted. Nicole was the opposite.

Yoongi sat the remote aside, contemplating the t.v. screen as it flashed in the dark living room. He set the volume on low, trying not to completely kill the dead silence of the room. He knew that Jin always slept with his door opened and that he was a light sleeper and that he shouldn't be too loud or he'd accidentally wake him.

He made himself comfortable on the couch as the television flashed in front of his eyes. Late nights like this were meant to be spent with someone, but then again, he kind of fucked that up already.

Jimin was upset with him and Hoseok didn't want to talk. He knew the other members such as Jungkook would side with Jimin and Taehyung would side with Hoseok. He didn't want anyone to be biased. Just honest.

What could he do to paste himself back into Jimin and Hoseok's good side?

"Can't sleep, huh?" And that's when Yoongi saw someone he didn't know he'd see that night. "Maybe you should try watching t.v. in your own room. That always helps me sleep."

Yoongi's eyes met with Namjoon's sleepy ones. He had come down for a glass of water and expected to see Jin since he would sometimes stay up really late and watch movies by himself, but seeing Yoongi was rare. He would always be in his bed sleeping by now.

"Hoseok is asleep in our room. I didn't want to wake him so I came down here." Yoongi confessed as he rubbed his nose with the bottom of his hand. It was quite cold in the living room and Yoongi's nose began to run.

"I can turn up the heat if you're cold. Why don't I grab you a blanket from my room?" Namjoon suggested before he was interrupted.

"I'll be fine. I've been cold before. A runny nose won't kill me." The elder said which made Namjoon frown as he approached Yoongi even closer. He stared at him until Yoongi stared back at him with his glistering brown eyes.

"If this is your punishment for what happened today, I want you to know it's not that big of a deal. Jimin acts like this all the time. He's like a spoiled child. Don't let Jimin's behavior affect yours." The younger told with all seriousness. He continued to stare down at Yoongi as he watched Yoongi's face droop and the television turn off.

"I'm tired. Goodnight Namjoon."

Namjoon was surprised by the elder's response at first until he realized that Yoongi didn't want to talk about the subject any longer. "Okay fine. Goodnight. Have sweet dreams."


Namjoon proceeded to pour himself a glass of water from the refrigerator's water dispenser. He averted his head toward Yoongi to watch him sleeping. He really wanted to help Yoongi with the situation between him and the other two members, but he wasn't sure what was the problem.

They're acting like husband and wife.

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