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Yoongi had sent Jimin downstairs to have breakfast with the others while he tried to keep Hoseok as far away from Jimin as he possibly could.

"I want to go to Ryunique with you." Hoseok grinned deeply as he awaited for Yoongi to respond.

"Hobi, that's in Gangnam. Why can't we just go somewhere where we've been before." The elder complained whilst strolling through something on his phone. He realized that Hoseok wanted him away from Jimin, but Yoongi needed Jimin away from Hoseok. Just as soon as the atmosphere was clear between the two.

Hoseok shrugged and smiled. "Because I want to have a good time with you hyung. Is that too much to ask? Or would you rather hang out abusive Jimin."

Yoongi really hated how Hoseok was beginning to paint Jimin out as the bad guy. Only because of what Jimin had said a while back and because he had said that Jimin was his favorite dongsaeng.

"Don't call him that. Jimin has never said anything bad behind your back." The elder confessed as he moved further away from the younger. Hoseok sighed and scrunched his nose.

"He punched me in the face Yoongi and I know that doesn't make me as good as him, but listen." Hoseok immediately paused before looking over to Yoongi whom was staring back at him. "I need to tell you something. I'm not really sure what that would mean to you, but it's very important to me that you know now."

Yoongi tilted his head before biting his bottom lip. "I've already been through one break up, what else is there to know. Tell me what's on your mind."

"I..." The younger stopped himself before inhaling and exhaling out deeply. "I just want you to meet me at the restaurant Ryunique. Be there at 8 o'clock sharp and...and dress formally." With that, Hoseok had left the room and went to the nearest bathroom excluding the one in their bedroom.

He quickly closed the door and locked it behind him, sitting himself in front of the door. He clutched onto his silver necklace with almost tears in his eyes. "Please say yes."


It was five minutes until 8 o'clock and Yoongi had already left the house with the other members. Jimin and Jin had locked themselves in Jimin's room while watching chick flicks. Which made it incredibly easier to leave the house without being noticed.

Hoseok had left an hour earlier, but no one said a word. He didn't even tell Yoongi where he was going. He assumed Hoseok had his own problems and shouldn't be questioned.

Yoongi stared at himself in the rear view mirror. He'd never been on such an occasion unless it was for an award ceremony. He wore a red suit with a red and black jacket with a red bowtie and red shoes. He thought it was decent enough since no one would probably notice him anyway.

He was having the urge to dye his hair red, but he thought he was covered in one solid color enough. Plus, Hoseok would've been angry if he had the same hair color as Jimin.

As soon as Yoongi walked into the the restaurant his stomach started to rumble. "Um, hello. I'm..." Yoongi paused, not knowing if he should use his real name or not.  Their group was highly popular and didn't want to stir up an audience. "Min Yoongi."

"Ah, Min Yoongi." The hostess smiled, making Yoongi want to punch the guy in the face for repeating his name aloud. "It looks like Jung Hoseok made a reservation for the both of you to be here, a week ago. Come and I'll show you to your table."

A few moments later, Yoongi met eyes with a well dressed and groomed Hoseok. He'd never looked so well put together. At least not what Yoongi could remember. His face looked even clearer that when he last seen him.

Wow. Was all Yoongi had to say to himself.

"You made it! It's nice to see you in...red." The younger grinned from ear to ear. He hoped that this might wouldn't be a waste and it wasn't because Yoongi arrived right on time. "Sit down."

The elder sat down before asking the ultimate question, "Why did you invite me here?" He asked with a snicker.

Hoseok stared down at his hands before looking back up at Yoongi. "Wouldn't you like to order food first before we start this conversation?" He asked casually whilst taking the menu that had been laying in front of him in his hands. He carefully observed it until he knew what he wanted to order.

The elder slowly did the same and glared down at all the distinct dishes and sides before he realized he didn't have a clue to what he really wanted to order. This was one reason he hated going to restaurants. Hoseok sat his menu down with his right hand over the other waiting patiently for Yoongi.

"You've been staring at the back of the menu for a while now. Are you not sure what you want?" Hoseok finally asked, knowing that Yoongi had a very tough time making decisions on his own.

"Well no, I've never been here so I don't necessarily know what's going to taste the best." Yoongi exclaimed which earned a smile from Hoseok.

"Then I'll buy you one of everything."

Yoongi's mouth went agape before shaking his head. "I don't want one of everything Hobi. I have my own money. Besides, I don't eat much anyway." He told, Yoongi wasn't much of an eater like he was before. Nicole had always told him that eating wasn't that important, and if he'd eat more than two times a day then she'd break up with him.

Because in her words, I don't want to date a fat person. It made Yoongi never want to eat again. Until he developed an eating disorder which he hadn't told anyone yet.

She had really scarred him.

"I see." The younger said. He studied his hyung's expression and smirked before gesturing for the waitress to come and assist them.

"Are you ready to order now?" The beautiful waitress bowed to the two before whipping out her clipboard. Hoseok and Yoongi bowed back, but Hoseok ordered for the both of them.

"Yes, my friend and I would like one of everything."

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