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"Why the hell are you here?" Yoongi asked with an exasperated tone. His ex girlfriend had arrived unannounced. How ignorant could one be to know that they're not welcomed somewhere.

Nicole gasped in shock, "Why do you think I'm here? You never answered my calls and you had the audacity to fucking block me you idiot. Why else would I be here?"

"Look, no one here is fond to you. If one of the members find out your here they won't hesitate to kick you out." Yoongi confessed, even if it didn't mean a thing to her. She didn't care about anyone except herself.

"Well then let's go into your room." Yoongi's ex girlfriend suggested as she made herself inside, pushing Yoongi in the process

"I share a room with Hoseok now. I'm sorry, but I think he hates you the most." Nicole fell silent as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"That talentless horse is sharing a room with y-" Nicole was cut off.

"Shut up! Don't say shit about Hoseok nor the other members. You can swear at me all day, but I'm not going to let you talk down on my family like that." Yoongi shouted, trying to regain himself before he lost it completely.

"Your family? How are they your family when you spent more time with me. Don't answer that." Nicole told as she bit her bottom lip until it turned a darker shade of pink.

"You're the reason I stopped hanging around them. You didn't like them so I thought it was best if I distanced myself away from them, but I see that was a stupid mistake that I'll never make again." Yoongi defended, but she was clearly not taking the hint that he wanted her to leave.

"You're a fool. They make you do immature things. I saw on Twitter that you groped the horse." She proclaimed which changed the atmosphere. It felt even more suffocating than it was before she walked in.

"You stupid bitch!" Before Yoongi could catch himself he had violently pinned Nicole onto the couch. Yoongi was fuming and he didn't know what else to besides want to hurt her physically. "Nicole -"

"Get the hell off of me Yoongi!" Yoongi's breath was leaving him slowly as he stared into Nicole's stupid brown eyes. He eyes were glistering in the light as if she was wanting to cry.

"What is happening?" Jin asked as he stared at the sight which didn't look too pretty from his perspective. The rest of the members walked in behind him with confusion written on their faces.

Yoongi immediately pushed himself away from Nicole as he backed away from her. "She came in -"

"He invited me here to t-talk to him. I thought everything was great between us until he started to get aggressive and pushed me against the couch." Nicole explained which earned a gasp from Jungkook and Jimin.

"I never invited her here!" Yoongi vehemently confessed. 

"Leave! Please just leave, the both of you. How dare you invite her and disrespect our furniture and house like this?" The elder asked, but he wasn't actually asking for Yoongi to answer. He had a face full of disappointment.

"Yeah, you should leave hyung. Before you make matters worse." Taehyung said, with pity in his voice. He hated to see him go, but no one could go against Jin.

"Namjoon -"

"I'm sorry." Namjoon stated apologetically as he continued, "You'll always be my favorite hyung, Yoongi." Jin glared at Yoongi and stared at the floor in despair.

Nicole combed her hair with her four fingers as she made her way to the door with Yoongi angrily following behind. Yoongi wanted to push her out the door, more like push her in front of a moving bus.


The house was quiet.

Sadly quieter than usual.

Yoongi was still gone.

"Now who am I going to share a room with?" Hoseok questioned as he stared at Jin whom shared a bedroom by himself. No one to sleep with nor no one to share a bathroom with.

"I don't know Hobi. Share one with Namjoon." The elder suggested as Hoseok quickly shook his head no.

"Ew no! Namjoon snores in his sleep. I'm trying to get my beauty sleep." Hoseok admitted earning a frown from Namjoon, but he didn't really care at all.

"What? Why would I want to share a room with a thief, snitch, and a pathological liar? You think I forgot about those scrumptious cookies you stole." No matter the situation, Namjoon would always use stolen cookies against Hoseok.

"I can't tell you how many times you've talked about this Namjoon. It's getting old and it shouldn't have never happened." The elder scoffed while covering his mouth from a yawn.

"I wish Yoongi hyung were here." Jimin confessed as he crossed one of his legs over the other. Jimin had gotten over the Hoseok and Yoongi incident that happened the other night. He didn't let him bother him anymore. The main thing that bothered him the most was that they shared a room together.

Jimin was petrified, he wondered what Hoseok would tell Yoongi about him behind his back, or even the things they talked about.

Hopefully him and Yoongi's friendship was back in track. Knowing that he was Yoongi's favorite dongsaeng was enough for him to be smile throughout the day.

"Don't bring him up, Jimin. You're relighting the fire." Hoseok commented which made Jimin's mood turn into a unpleasant one.

"I didn't know I was talking to you, Hoseok. I was obviously speaking out loud." Jimin scoffed as he walked upstairs to his room to sleep.

"Well why don't you just speak to yourself." Hoseok rolled his eyes as he muttered to himself. He had been annoyed with Jimin the entire time. Almost every five minutes he would say that he had missed Yoongi. Hoseok ignored him the first three times, but this time was crossing the line.

"Jesus, are you two having a problem too?"

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