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"You can sleep in bed with me if you'd like." The woman asked, forgetting everything's my that had happened between them that day.

Yoongi's face went into a frown as he glared behind him, meeting eyes with someone he'd never wanted to meet again. "We're not dating anymore Nicole. I'll just sleep on the couch. Thank you for the ramen by the way."

"You're my guest since you have no where else to go so you have to sleep where I tell you too. Sleep with me!" Nicole commanded, clutched both of her fists. It was either her way or no way. At that point everything was up to what she wanted to do.

"You can't take advantage of me staying the night here. I'll be gone by morning, I swear." Yoongi protested as he threw himself onto the available couch beside him. "Have a great night Nicole."

Yoongi's ex girlfriend didn't approve of this action at all. Since Nicole broke up him, she'd been a lot more lonely than she was. She needed money to buy newer clothes for her wardrobe. Her shopping sprees were delayed because of her finances.

"I'll be in bed, naked. Goodnight Yoongi." Nicole exclaimed, but Yoongi wasn't at all phased by her pathetic and desperate comment. He grabbed one of the pillows from the couch and laid it underneath his head for more comfort. It wasn't as good as his own bed, but it was better than nothing.


Jungkook and Taehyung were fast asleep side by side, backs pressed against each other. Their friendship was crashing, but they still slept together at night as if they were bestest friends. Taehyung slithered his feet from out of the warm blanket for coolness.

Half of Jungkook's body was underneath the blankets with the other half exposed. That's how the two slept every night.

Taehyung tossed and turned until he felt comfortable, which was cuddling Jungkook from behind. The younger mumbled as he aggressively backed closer against the Taehyung's torso which awoken the elder.

The younger was shaking evidently. The elder immediately unlatched his arms from around a trembling Jungkook. He sat up in confusion as he turned Jungkook facing him. 


"Fuck harder~"


Another rough night.

Everyone had came down for breakfast as usual, excluding Yoongi.

Every member wasn't allowed to contact Yoongi at any time. Jin said it was a part of his punishment to believe that all of the members were upset at him which wasn't the point.

The point was that no one was seriously angry at Yoongi, except Seokjin whom wanted Yoongi's ex girlfriend out of the picture forever.

Jimin, Taehyung, and Namjoon had secretly texted him all night yesterday, but Yoongi had never directly addressed where he was. They wanted to see him, but Jin was so observant of everyone.

Sneaking out of the house was almost impossible, knowing that Jin's single bedroom was right near the staircase and he slept with his door opened. The only luck they had in escaping Jin was climbing out the window.

Which was three stories.

"Jin hyung, why do you cook the same thing every morning?" Jungkook questioned whilst slicing a piece of pancake with his knife and fork.

"Why do you eat every morning?" Jin answered, slapping another pancake onto his stack of warm and fluffy pancakes. "Would you like more syrup or whipped cream on your pancakes bunny boy?"

"I'll take both."

"You only get one, Jungkook." Jin stated, while awaiting for the younger to select a choice.

"Well why can't I just have both. I'm a grown man."

"Since when did grown men sleep in Iron Man underwear, oh and can I add with matching slippers." Jin snickered as he added whipped cream onto Jungkook's plate.

"You promised you wouldn't tell anyone, hyung!" The maknae proclaimed, feeling completely betrayed by his own hyung.

"That's before you questioned my cooking abilities." The elder fired back whilst munching on his slice of turkey bacon he had proudly cooked personally for himself.

"You wear still Iron Man underwear Jungkook? Aww how cute." Namjoon protested before he did aegyo from across the dining table. Namjoon had been longing to find dirt on Jungkook just so he could tease him for it. That was his favorite dongsaeng after all.

Jin snickered as he purposely glared at Namjoon. He was the only member of the group who knew Namjoon owned a new pair of SpongeBob slippers. He knew everyone would laugh at him, the same way Jungkook was being laughed at.

The thing was, Jin knew his secret which meant he could spill it at any given minute.

"I'm going to go wash my hands in the bathroom before I have breakfast." Jimin told as he quickly excused himself from the table.

The rest of the members laughed and chatted. Taehyung had almost choked on a off of a sunny side up egg from laughing at a joke Hoseok had made about Jimin while he was gone.


"Oh thank God you answered. Are you okay?" Jimin asked as he held his phone cautiously close to his ear, making sure he heard every word from the other end.

"I'm fine Jiminie. I miss all of you so much and it hasn't even been a week. Hey, has Jin hyung spoke of me since I've been gone?" Yoongi's voice sounded shaky and exhausted.

"No Jin hasn't." The younger quickly changed the subject, "What's wrong with your breathing? You sound like your running. What's that noise?"

The younger heard laughter from the end of the phone as he sat in confusion on top of the toilet.

"Why are you asking so many questions? I told your I'm fine. I was just working out."

"You're lying."

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