Then and Now

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A soft breeze shifted the leaves of the forest as a small boy walked through the large trees. Tears fell from his eyes as he looked around in fear. Lost and alone, he wondered around the forest in search for someone. Anyone.

The trees rustled as a large, black, scaly head appeared in front of him. The boy froze as the head moved farther out revealing the large body it was attached to. A large black dragon stood before him. Staring at him as he tried to tell his frozen legs to turn and run.

"Are you lost child?" A beautiful female voice came from the dragon.

"L-lost." The little boy said. "People came and Momma said to run."

The dragon lowered her head so she could get a closer look at the little boy. "What is you name child?"


"Well Hayden, I'm Umbra. Would you like to stay with me?"

A bright smile spread across Hayden's face and he frantically nodded. The dragon smiled back and let the small boy climb onto her back. Once he was settled, she took to the skies and headed back to the cave where she lived.

Hayden lived with Umbra from then on. She taught him all about people and culture and also taught him how to fight like a dragon. Not to long after, Esme came along. She already knew lightning magic when Hayden met her and happily took her to see Umbra.

A month after Esme joined their small family, Umbra came home one day with another small boy on her back. "Children, this is Kage. He's going to be your new little brother." She had told them.

He was harder to get along with then Esme was.

He always off on his own with this far off look in his eyes, like he was remembering something horrible.

Something horrible that he had done...

A couple days later, Umbra had disappeared and Hayden quickly became the one to take care of his younger siblings. With beast like senses, it was either him or Kage that had to hunt while Esme got berries and helped with cooking.

One day, while the sibling slept, some men had found their cave. Hayden shot up when he heard Esme scream and was met with the sight of these strange men dragging her and Kage outside.

"So these are kids that were raised by that dragon? They can fetch us a nice price." One man sneered as the others smiled in agreement. "Let them go!" Hayden yelled. The men laughed as they saw the boy stood at the mouth of the cave.

Kage glanced around and took note of the men who had grabbed them. "They don't use magic! We're in the clear!" He yelled. Esme smirked and electricuted the man holding her making him yelp and let go. She ran to Hayden's side immediately.

"What are you waiting for? Blow them away!" Esme yelled to her brother. "I can't! I'll hit Kage!" Hayden argued.

"Give it up kid! Without your dragon here to protect you, you're vulnerable!" A man yelled.

"Without our dragon huh." Kage muttered before his body started to glow a bright white. The man holding him let go to shield his eyes. The light grew and changed shape before shattering to reveal the new form Kage had taken.

Kage, now a large Umbra look-alike, raised his head to let out a loud roar that echoed through the sky. With one flap of his wings, the men all separated and tumbled to the ground. "Who's vulnerable now?!" Kage had shouted. His voice now deep and raspier while a dragon. The men quickly got up and ran back to where they came from while Kage turned back to normal.

With the men now gone, the sibling stood together as they stared at the direction the man ran in. "What are we gonna do now?" Esme asked.

Kage crossed his armed. "We can stay here. We might be hunted again."

"Then we leave." Hayden suddenly said making the other two look at him. "We leave and join a Guild. Mom said that Guild's is where wizards go for work. If we join a guild, then we can make enough money to live in a town."

"What Guild would we even join?" Kage asked.

Esme smiled. "What about Fairy Tail?"

"Fairy Tail?" Kage drawled out. "You mean that Guild that mom use to tell us about in stories?"

"Yah! That on!"

"It's better than nothing." Hayden said and the three nodded in agreement.

Hayden opened his eyes and yawned as he slowly sad up. The warm morning sun shown through his curtains, lighting up his room. He pulled the curtains away and smiled softly as he looked at the ocean from his window. "We've come a long way." He muttered.

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