Chapter 4

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I could see the time was 5:30 which meant I had half an hour to get dressed. I went through all of the boxes and some clothes in my wardrobe to find some clothes. I threw out so many clothes to find something that looked nice. I found my turquoise dress/ top that went up to my knees with black leggings. It looked pretty nice and a bit casual. I peered out the window to see Sal was wearing a red shirt and jeans and was doing his hair.
I ran downstairs to see my mum and dad in the kitchen and they nodded at eachother and said
"Can you watch Jessie tonight?"  My face dropped. They saw this and bursted out laughing. "We're kidding! Go have fun!"  They had a funny sense of humour but a pain sometimes.

So around 5:55 I decided to leave and walk over to Sal's place. It has only just occurred to me that I'm actually going to hang out with my favourite joker!!!!

I approached the cream white door and knocked on the glass. Sal opened it with a warm smile.
"Hey Emily" he said, gesturing me to go inside. I slowly walked in and took my shoes off. I could hear him give a sigh of relief as I knew he'd hate to ask me. He placed his hand on my back and walked me into the living room. I sat on the cream sofa with Sal on the opposite side.
"Wanna order a pizza?" He asked me.
"Yeah please" I said back. I felt really nervous even though I felt I already knew him, I finally met him and I have no idea what to say!
"I do love a good pizza!" He said. "You look beautiful by the way in that dress!" He said as he turned to face the wall ringing up for a pizza. "Really brings out your blue eyes!" He added.
"Thank you! I love your place!" I replied. But then it occurred to me, he knew my eye colour without looking! He must have actually remembered!
I quickly looked at my phone to see a message from my mum asking how's it going. Sal got off the phone after ordering the pizza and sat next to me.
"Should we watch a movie?" I suggested.
"Great idea!" He replied putting Netflix on. We picked a random film and sat there. The first 10 minutes were awkward but I decided to break the silence.
"So what's it like working with your best friends?!" I asked him.
"Well it's quite fun!" He began, adjusting the way he sat to face me "although Murray can be a handful" he joked. I gave a little giggle. "You have a cute laugh!" He complimented me.
"Thanks. You have a cute smile!" I returned the compliment.
"I have a question!" He said with a grin, turning down the TV. We were sat quite close, staring into eachother eyes. I nodded for him to ask the question. "Why did you move here, I mean I'm so happy you did but why?" He asked me.
"Well my mum and dad wanted a change and I didn't want to live in the U.K. with no family around so I moved here with them!" I explained. I noticed he said he was happy I did move but I didn't want to question him on it.

When the pizza arrived we placed it on the coffee table in front. We actually turned off the TV and just talked to eachother about anything and everything.
"Okay I have a random question!" I began. "If today was like your birthday and you could have anything what would it be?!" I asked.
"Well...." he said. He knew an answer but wouldn't share it. "I'll tell you some other day!" He said with a smile.
"So mysterious" I joked. He laughed and asked me the same question. "Probably a necklace with E on it!" I said. He looked at me and began laughing.
"Out of everything!?" He said to me, still laughing hysterically.
"Well yeah my mum had one when she was younger and still has it now. It was off my dad when they were dating and I always wanted one!" I justified.
"Makes sense I suppose" he said still laughing.
The remote slipped onto the floor and we both bent down to get it. We both reached the remote.  My hand touching the remote with Sal's hand covering mine. I lifted my hand up with his still holding it.
"Sorry!" He muttered.
"Haha!" I laughed. "I'm sorry!" I also apologised. I looked at the time to see it was 9:30.
"I'm so sorry but I have to go!" I told him. He had a disappointed look in his face. "But I'd absolutely love to do this again!" I reassured him. His smile grew.
He got up and shown me back to the front door where I put my shoes on. He opened up the door as I left. But he held my hand and tugged me back.
"Hello! What type of gentleman would I be if I didn't walk you home?!" He said as he locked up his house.
"It only across the street!" I pointed out with a smile.
"Yeah I know but I want to!" Sal replied with a warm, breath taking smile. He walked across the street next to me and walked me up to my door. Sal looked onto the floor  and looked back up at me.
"I loved tonight!" I said to him. "I'd love to do it again" I added.
"Yeah I'd love to as well!" He said. I could see a nervous look in his eye. We locked eyes for a moment as we were on the brink of a kiss. He leaned down and got ready.... until my brother opened the door!!!
"Wow sorry guys!" Connor said, shutting the door. Me and Sal both rolled our eyes as we wanted to kiss.
"I'll see you around!" Sal said walking back home with a smile.

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