Chapter 28

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18 months later
Months past and I had seen less of Sal. It was creeping into summer and the snow had cleared. Sal has been on tour and filming a lot which caused me to see less of him. He would always text, but it's not the same as having him by my side.
Today was Jessie's birthday. She was turning 9 and she was so excited. She woke me up, at 8am and it was a sunny day. I realised me and Sal have been dating for nearly 2 years! It had gone by so fast. Only for the last 3 months they have been touring so I suppose it wasn't that long, but everyday I waited for him to return, it would take forever.
I ran downstairs to see my mum, brother and dad crowding around Jessie and waiting for me, so Jessie could begin to open her gifts. I handed her a gift bag off me with her favourite chocolates, CDs and some toys. She loved it. My mum handed her, her last present. It was an I pod that Jessie had been asking for, for a while.
"That's it Hun!" My mum said.
"No I forgot!" I said running upstairs. I grabbed a small bag from my cupboard and raced back downstairs.
"This is from Sal. He told me to give it to you on your birthday before he left for touring" I explained as I gave it to her.
"What is it?" My mum mouthed to me.
"I have no clue!" I mouthed back.
Sal had got her a charm bracelet with the word Jessie engraved on it.
"That's gorgeous" I said to her admiring it.
"He's so kind. Say thanks when he's back Jessie" my mum said to her. Jessie loved it and put it on straight away. Mine and Jessie's birthdays usually clashes as mine was two days after hers. She hated that as she wanted the attention for the whole week but my birthday would be two days after. But I let her have the attention because I didn't really mind.
So for Jessie's birthday Sal messaged her happy birthday and rang me and Murr and Joe did the same. Q rang my sister to say happy birthday as well. They said they were delayed one more week which meant they would miss my birthday. I was gutted but didn't mind.

So the night came round and we were going out for a meal for Jessie's birthday. We went to a posh restaurant that she really wanted to go to. I had became good friends with our neighbour, Josh, and his little sister, Ruby, was best friends with Jessie so we invited them along. My brother and Josh were quite close and I got along with Josh too. I had a new job working in a little cafe in New York as I needed some money and a job and this was the best I could get. I really didn't mind, but I worked with Josh and he made it quite fun. Josh was actually the reason I got my job!

So we got to the restaurant. I sat next to my mum and Josh. Josh was by my brother, who was by Jessie who was by Ruby who was by her mum, who was next to her dad and then next to my dad. It was a very packed table. The waiter offered to take a picture of us all sat by each other. We all had one with a smile and another with a funny face.
We all ordered our food and I had a roast chicken meal. It was quite nice but I was looking forward to the cake afterwards. Jessie didn't know she was having a surprise cake here but we asked the restaurant a few days in advance and they agreed to do it!

After the waiter took our dishes, some members of staff came out with the cake. Jessie's face lit up with a smile and she was so excited. We all sang happy birthday and had some cake.
After the evening out we arrived back at home where I took a selfie with Jessie. I decided to post some pictures on Instagram to show off the nigh we had. I put the photos the waiter took and the selfie with Jessie.
Immediately Sal liked my post and replied with '😍💗'. Followed by Murr and Q liking the post along with Joe and some other friends of mine. Sal kinda told his fans we were dating when he changed all his social media profile pictures to me and him and tattooed an E on his wrist. He done it as a Christmas gift to me 1 and a half years ago.

Sal's POV
"Hey guys have you seen Ems post on Instagram?" I said to the guys.
"Yeah" They shouted back. "Who's the other guys?" Murr asked.
I looked closer at the picture to see this guy who lived near me. Joe or Josh or something. I didn't let it bother me.
"I'm not sure but she fell for our plan!" I said excitedly. "I can't wait to surprise her on her birthday. I have her presents sorted especially the main one!!!"

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