Chapter 6

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I slumped down onto the sofa and watched over Jessie as she watched TV. I couldn't help but smile as Sal actually texted me!!!!
Me: hey xxx
Sal instantly replied.
Sal: do you wanna go for a pizza again? xxx
Me: sure when? Xxx
Sal: well tonight Murr is coming round xxx
Me: maybe Saturday? xxx
Sal: I'd love to 💗 xxx

I watched some TV with Jessie until I noticed she was playing with something.
"What's that?" I asked her with a hint of curiosity. I felt as if I've seen it before.
"Some watch I found in the snow!" She explained. The closer I looked I realised it was Sal's watch.
"Jessie! That's Sal's!" I said to her.
"We should give it back!" She protested. She was quite responsible for her age.
"I'm sure Em will!" Connor said.
"We are just friends!" I said to him.
"Sure!" He said sarcastically. My mum and dad also came in the living room. I had specks of snow in my shoulders and sleeve. So I brushed them off.
"That's a nice watch!" My dad said to Jessie.
"It's Sal's" she told him. My dad looked confused.
"We played in the snow with him and he must have dropped it" I explained.
"It might have been when he picked you up?! Or when you held hands!" She suggested. I gave her a death stare.
"Well well well" my dad said with a surprised look at me. I could feel my cheeks burning red.
"I'm so sorry for interrupting you guys earlier!" My mum apologised.
I was so embarrassed.
"So your dating a celebrity?" My dad questioned with a smirk, purposely winding me up.
My phone rang and my whole family peered over to see what it was. It was Sal. I immediately picked it up walking out of the room.
"Hey Sal" I said with my family laughing.
"Hey Emily" he began. "I was wondering if you'd like to come to this concert thing. I have a spare ticket and the guys couldn't come so?" He asked me.
"Yes! I'd love to!" I said.
"I'll drop round your ticket!" He said.
"No I'll come to you I kinda have something of yours!" I said.
"See you soon!" He said then hung up.

I looked outside to see Murr going into Sal's house. It would be a perfect time to go over as I could maybe meet Murr!
"Hey Jessie pass me the watch?" I requested.
"Fine! Can I come?" She asked. I felt bad but I kinda wanted it to just be me for once.
"Not today but maybe he will come round tomorrow?" I said to her. She passed over the watch with a sad look but I wanted to talk to Sal on my own.
"I'm gonna drop this over to Sal!" I informed my family.
"Okay love, be home soon!" My mum said.
"Have fun with your boyfriend!" My dad joked. I rolled my eyes and left.

I gently knocked on Sal's door holding his watch.
"Hey!" He said with a giant smile. He was so cute! "You must be freezing come in!" He said, gesturing his hand. I took the offer and walked in, not forgetting to take my shoes off.
"Oh here's your watch! Jessie found it in the snow and well.. here you go!" I said to him passing it over. He took it, hovering his hand over mine. He looked up at me, locking his eyes into mine.
"Thanks Em. I got your ticket in the living room!" He said, guiding me into the living room. I saw Murr sat on the black leather sofa.
"Hey Murr this is Emily! She moved in yesterday" Sal introduced me.
"Hey I'm Murr!" Murr said to me.
"I know! I'm a huge fan of your show!" I said p, shaking his hand.
"There's your ticket" Sal said handing it over to me.
"Thanks! It's a shame none of the other guys would go!" I said.
"Where?" Murr asked confused. I saw Sal slyly give Murr a death stare then smiled back at me.
"I best be off!" I said to him.
"So soon?" He asked me.
"Well yeah cause you and Murr are hanging out and I wouldn't want to intrude.." I explained.
"Please stay?... for me?" Sal asked with a hopeful look in his gorgeous green eyes.
"Sure" I agreed and sat down. Sal went into the kitchen to get me a water and Murr soon followed.

"Who's your girlfriend?" Murr joked.
"She's not my girlfriend" Sal told him.
"Do you like her?" Murr asked. Sal didn't reply and came back out again.

After an hour of staying there I decided to go back home. Sal waved as I walked off and when I got in I saw him waving out the window. I gave him a huge smile as I felt warmth in my heart.

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