Chapter 18

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Niall's P.O.V

After all that laughing the room grew quiet after Zayn noticed that he was in front of Kristine. Now that the Project X film is over, I'm feeling hungry. I mean, I only ate a bowl of popcorn, a hot dog and a corn dog. I'm a growing boy, what can I say.

"Can someone please put on another film for us to watch?" I asked with a pout.

"Sure, you big baby." Evangeline said with a smile on her face and got up to stretch. She patted my head and gave me her soft smile and went over to the movies. I like her.

"She's a keeper, Marcel." I whispered and smiled at the blushing bloke. Zayn nodded with a smile on his face as he watched in amusement as Evangeline backed up to see the top of the shelf. We all cocked our head the side as she started doing a weird dance.

"Can we watch The Expendable's 2, please! I haven't watched it yet, and I heard that Chuck freakin' Norris is in it!" That movie is awesome. She looked at us with puppy dog eyes with her lip jutting out. I bit my lip from laughing and looked back at Marcel. He just has a toothy grin and nodded. She squealed and grabbed it off the shelf and rushed to the DVD player. She was practically bouncing up and down on her spot.

"C'mon c'mon!" She muttered and waited not so patiently for the DVD player to open. We all just watched in amusement as she cheered when it opened.

"Definitely a keeper." Zayn whispered to Marcel with his eyes still glued on the brunette in front of us.

"Yeah." He breathed out with a dreamy look in his eyes. I heard Kristine sigh and felt the couch move.

"I'm going to find myself something to eat, I'm hungry." Kristine announced getting off the sofa.

"I'll go with you, maybe I can make you something special." I winked. She smiled and got a hold of my hand.

"Okay Irish boy, surprise me." She giggled and helped me up. We looked at each other and nodded.

"We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!" We screamed at the top of our lungs and laughed as we skipped to the kitchen. I over heard them whispering about her being my future wife. Psh, as if. But i'd be lying to you if my face wasn't beat red at marrying this lunatic- I mean awesome food buddy.

"What would you like, m'lady?" I put my hands down on the kitchen island and stared at Kristine. She shrugged and crossed her arms.

"What do you have that's appetizing?" I smirked and walked over to the fridge and opened it.

"ICE CREAM!" I shouted and grabbed the cookie dough ice-cream and closed the fridge.

"YES!" She fist pumped and went over to the utensil drawer and got two spoons and ran to the living room. I chuckled and walked calmly to see that the movie was paused.

"C'mon Nialler! I'm not gonna press play until you sit your little Irish ass down." We all arched an eyebrow at Evangeline.

"Little?" I started, trying to keep a straight face as we all stared at her.

"Irish." Marcel said with pursed lips. Evangeline started going red and looked down. I was clenching my teeth and pursed my lips also. I'm pretty sure my face is red from not laughing so hard. I'm guessing all of us are, too.

"Ass." Zayn concluded as he stared at Evangeline. She covered her face with her hands and squeaked.

"I'M SORRY!" She got up and rushed over to me and trapped me in a bear hug. I dropped the ice cream in surprise and froze.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I wasn't trying to be racist a-a-and mean! I always pause the movie when someone gets up and such so they don't miss anything! I'm sorry! Oh my god! I hurt your feelings! I'm a horrible person! You're lucky it's Friday because tomorrow I'm gonna make you a special breakfast! I am determined to fix that hole in your heart that I made! I'm sorry!" She rambled and hugged me tighter, and I admit, I think she gives better hugs than me. The whole room was silent besides Evangeline muttering her apologies. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I laughed out loud and so did the others.

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