Chapter 22

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Evangeline's P.O.V

"Freaken Kristine, telling my family I had sex. Who does she think she is?" I muttered to myself as I punched the punching bag harder. I was on my third punching bag because the other two, uh... weren't sturdy enough. Dust was everywhere, but I didn't mind so I just kept at it. The gym was like one of those old fashioned ones. Everything had a mat on it or attatched to and it. It strangely reminded me of when Steve Roger's was in the gym beating the crap out of punching bags. It's been a little over an hour and I'm surprised no one came for me yet.

"Whoa, what did the punching bag ever do to you?" I heard a familiar British accent say. Spoke to soon. I grunted and punched the bag harder, then sighed.

"Why're you even here?" I stopped but didn't turn around. I heard him clear his throat.

"I, uh... Wanted to check up on you." I turned around and saw him rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"You were the last person I thought to come here. Why?" He smirked and crossed his arms.

"Were you expecting Marcel?" I pursed my lips and turned away from him.

"What you did surprised us all, you know." I blushed and turned to look in his hazel orbs.

"I was tired of Kristine's taunting, I wasn't even thinking. Am I a bad person, Zayn?" He chuckled and strolled over to me with his hands in his jean pockets.

"Nah, you're not a bad person. Uh..." He was finally beside me and pointed to the two beat up punching bags in a pile of dust.

"Adrenaline does that to people." He glanced at me in surprise while I just put my bruised up hands behind my back and giggled nervously. He noticed this and held out his hand. I looked up at him innocently and batted my eyelashes.

"Marcel, I think you should come in." Zayn called out, making me widen my eyes. He smirked and started walking towards me. Every step he took I stepped back, until my back hit a hard surface.

"Hi Angel." I froze as Marcel's voice was behind me. I looked at Zayn to see he was still smirking at me.

"Look at her hands." I shot him a dirty look and shoved my hands in my front pockets, making me wince as pain spread through my hands.

"No!" I whined and tried to make a run for it, but I was sandwiched between two stronger and faster boys.

"Let me go!" I struggled against them but kept my hands in my pockets. Let me tell you, it was hard.

"Let me see your hands!" Marcel grunted as I kept squirming.

"Stop moving!" Zayn's voice yelled in my ear.

"I'm sorry!" I shouted and kneed Zayn where it hurts the most and kicked Marcel's as Zayn bent down in pain. Marcel grunted and loosened his grip on me. I took this as an opportunity to escape but as I started to run away, Zayn got a hold of my left leg, making me trip and face plant. I also landed on my hands and I bit my lip from screaming. I took out my hands and tried to lift myself up but I think my body decided to side with Zayn and Marcel because exhaustion hit my body like a ton of bricks.

"I'm not giving up." I muttered and attempted to pick myself up again. I successfully did and somehow got my foot away from Zayn's grip and stood up. I was panting and jogged away from them.

"Come on." I was almost there to the girls locker room when I tripped over my own two feet. Don't laugh at me!

"Fuuuuuuuck." My body felt like lead. Let's do a head count from the exercise I had today. First my brain from the anger, then my calves from the jumping, my thighs from running up and down the stairs, a cardiac workout from the sprinting I did to get to the gym, I might have done some sit-ups and push-ups to warm me up and lastly I beat up a pair of punching bags. That's a lot for me, so I'm considering myself as a badass. I army crawled the rest of the way, but was stopped when I was suddenly lifted off the ground and onto somebody's shoulder.

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