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impossible ; 11/06/17
why is it that people do impossible things ?
yet you still couldn't love me
was it so difficult
yet , instead of me it was someone else
when i was the one who gave you everything even after you continue to hurt me

the traveler
never fall in love with a traveler
they're always running
their life's a mess
you'll never stop moving
you'll get weak and tired eventually

no one realizes how important lives are
until one is gone
their too happy and focused on theirs
others dont matter
that itself is depressing how it sounds

sad rain
rain is always believed to be the sky just crying
and people run from it
no one tries to help
yet , their happy when its sunny
their to selfish to help.

breaking edge
i look like the one who fell apart
but it wasn't me , it was you
you were making us fall
and you didn't care
you did for her
makes perfect since.
your not significant

finally breaking
each day it felt like it got worse and harder maybe because they were
maybe not
all i know is , that i was right and you were wrong
i wasn't happy , neither were you
but you never said or did anything
now were crumbled
and i've stumbled but i have my balance now

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