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the silence within the bees
when you dont hear the buzzing of the wilderness
and you can hear the sound of waterfalls miles away
its that time again
when you know the earth freezes in a time zone of its own
the flowers stop growing and the grass decays
when the clouds turn to cold droplets
thats the worst time to leave someone
never be so cruel to leave someone behind in the cold
it hurts even more than the colorful season
when it comes that time again , dont ever leave a person in the cold
the bees will come back
no longer silenced
going to haunt you
shall you then hear the buzzing in your ears
you shall know what time it is

the haunting
being scared isn't the same as terror
one is what you do , and the other is is how you react to it you only control your fear
it kills your insides
thats what makes you sick
thats the haunting

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