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i know i said i wouldn't care and i would be fine
i am kind of fine
but your difficult and mislead me
i just wanted you
then you left like others did
you kept your distance a bit
you still notice me
and you come near me like were strangers and things are fine
but you know what you did
you know how i felt
you know what your doing
and you know i know what your doing
i just dont know what your plan is
i dont know your thoughts
thats why im confused
i dont know what you want
if you left and dont care then why are you still doing this
i dont get it
or is it just more of what you couldn't & cant say
i need something
you cant leave me in a storm and expect me to be okay

why is it so hard for you
i know the story
we're both falling apart
you happen to be worse
thats unfortunate , i know
im sorry
i wish i was enough for you
no one understands
you dont understand why im doing what i do
i have a ton of good reasons
you just wont listen
i understand though
i understand the complications
i understand why its this way
i understand you even though what i knew wasn't real
i just know from observations

you make it hard for me
but im not complaining honestly
it doesn't bother me
i hardly care
i guess im used to it
i dont know

why do i try ?
i've been in this situation already
trying to explain to someone that you get this feeling when their around you or when you talk to them
that situation lead me to knowing someone for 2 years and still counting so i know im right
i dont get this feeling often
i usually keep myself away
i havent with you
i would've gotten tired of you by now and given up
i wish i could explain it to you but again
you wont listen at anything i have to say
you think i shouldn't feel this way for many reasons but ,
i only get one i just dont care because im not doing anything
i wish i could stop too
but when i feel this way , it doesn't go so easily

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