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no matter how many times you shatter me
i still fall in love with you
every time i see you
it feels like were talking again
every time i hear your name
it glistens but its just a memory
you gave me the best memory
i'll never forget
it was the perfect one
your absolutely perfect to me
i miss you.

im trapped
im claimed by someone who is currently not talking to me
who broke my heart
but i met you and i feel the entire same way i did with him but its even better
because i had you
and your here
and he probably doesn't care
you probably dont either
but i feel the same way
and i dont feel this way with anyone or havent except him and now you
everything else was lust
maybe i just am lust to you as well
but i remember what you told me so i keep it all in mind
but i replay that time all the time
and just know that no matter how i feel
im always gonna miss you
im just trapped
and your not mine either
so its complicating

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