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03/05/18 3:27pm
you know your gonna mess something up when you get easily distracted about things and lose focus so very easily that anything happening will make you lose contact with it at the slightest.

03/08/18 2:32pm ; leeches.
promises aren't real when the person who made it is an illusion
dont kiss boys who have a bad reputation
they'll just break your heart and make you suffer each day
which that gives them confidence

one step wont get you anywhere so take a dozen
that might get you where you want to go

your a cunning distraction
locked away from your mischief
you'll never be faithful
to me , even when you weren't asleep
you kept the whole room awoken
without you its too quiet
and its hard to concentrate
on the clouds outside my window
the birds flying in the moonlight
fighting bats for food
then i can never sleep

i hope this place makes your bones tremble
like the begging for breath that never comes up
only colors and bits of what made you up yesterday

will it be so sudden ?
i think not
the sky cant abandon the sun as through their part of space itself

if you think of how the difference in many ways to say something thats not real
you could find yourself stuck
figuring out why you ended up hearing it in the first place

drama queen
nothing could be more dramatic
you couldn't criticize enough
you couldn't listen too much
you cant do much of anything without judgement
so you do as you please

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