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Shawn's POV

"I don't understand." I hear April's voice crack as she shakes her head, tapping her foot. This was honestly fucking ridiculous. My stomach is in a knot as thousands of notifications come in each second on my phone; none of this is our fault.

I felt terrible jumping to conclusions cuz I'm some selfish, egotistical asshole who's so in love with April but so insecure at the same time.

I'm still so stunned that she said that she's in love with me. April loves me. And I love her. I really do. She's my happiness, she makes me strong and I just wish times were different where people weren't threatening her.

She's a beauty, she's my saving grace.

But with every beauty comes an awful beast.

"They want me to do what?" I look over at my girlfriend and painfully stare into her watery eyes. I heard muffled voices in the background of her phone call. "Stella, just tell me. Straight up. I promise it will be fine." April walks over to me and takes my hand.

I hold her hand tightly, never wanting to let it go. It fit perfectly with mine and I just want her to know right now that she will never be alone.

I felt like breaking down right then and there when I saw April's face soften as she hung up the phone; but I couldn't, I need to be there for the girl I loved most.

"What did she say?"

April looks up into my eyes once again and I swear it felt like time has stopped. I know I keep saying this and it really fucks me up but I just wanted to hold her and never let her go.

I know she's fully capable of handling things on her own but my reputation is on the line right now. As much as I hate that, I need to make sure my fans aren't doing anything stupid as well.

"They won't give my account back unless we break up," she whispers, looking down.

"Are you fucking serious?" I cup April's cheeks and make her look into my eyes. She pouts and closes her deep green eyes.

I lean my forehead against hers and feel our hearts beating in sync; well, until snickers erupted from her lips.

Moments after she starts hysterically laughing and I seriously have no clue what's going on.
"April, quit laughing. This is serious," I try to keep a straight face but the sight of the women who I love dearly cracking up in front of me is taking over every emotion in my body.

"Shawn, relax. Your publicist and all the guys in fancy suits will have this cleared by tomorrow morning. I barely use social media for the attention and likes as it is." She shrugs her shoulders and takes my hand as we walked into her room.

"No, April. I don't think you understand.
These people don't give up." I try to bring her back to this distasteful reality but she doesn't even care. "What are they gonna do? Post some angry tweets and funny memes? I'm cool with that."

"April, fucking listen to me." I grab April's hand and pin her to the wall.

This is not the way I first expected or preferred having her against the wall; but I need her to listen. Her eyes got lost in mine and then gracefully darted down to my lips and I'm trying so hard to not cave in.

"These people, April? They don't give up; they can tear our relationship apart. They will get what they want. This is fucking serious." My voice was low and I was still choked up.

April pushes me away and scoffs. "Fuck, April." I breathe out and she her palms form a mini fist as closes her eyes for a second.

"Oh, yeah! It's my fault!" Her voice cracks and she looks at me through the mirror. "Shawn, I don't have access to that fucking account anymore. There's nothing I can do! You figure it out if it means so much to you! I've done nothing and I'm- I'm getting attacked. Do you even care about my feelings?" She turns around, I was always so oblivious of her feelings; I really needed to change that.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Fuck, I'm sorry. I don't know why this always gets to me. I promise I won't let it bother me anymore. I will get this all cleared up, don't worry about it. I love you, April." I set her down on her bed and cup her cheeks once again. She puts her hand on my thigh and digs her head into my collar bone.

"Relax, it doesn't matter anymore. I really fucking love you,"

"You do?" April pops up and her expression changes. She isn't as angry as she just was. Her glistening eyes hinted that she really felt the same which has really taken me by surprise.

"I'll take care of you," I softly say before kissing her forehead. "And I'll take care of this fake bitch who's trying to jeopardize our relationship," she laughs into my neck and I swoop her up and sit on top of her as she leans back onto the bed. "Kiss me and never ever ever let me go."

All at once we were madly, hopelessly in love.

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