Too much white...(prt.1)

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(WARNING:Alot of cursing,cult things and violence)
Your P.O.V.
My parents decided to sign me up into a camp named 'Camp Campbell' even tho I didnt even want to go in that shit.But,it was a relief since my best friend ,(BFF/N),is coming also this summer.I packed my stuff,and waited for the bus,it only took like 5 min or something till' the bus came.When I hoped inside,(BFF/N) was already inside,after a lot of talking with (BFF/N),we arrived at....Camp Camp?I shrugged it off and the creepy bus driver who has a hook on his right hand said « New kids' here. ». We hoped off the bus and...... « What the fuck....? » (BFF/N) said, « What the fresh hell is THIS???? » I said after I gulped in confusion. « Why hello there young fellas! »An adult said. « My name is Daniel,and I 'll be your camp councilor this summer! »Daniel said with a verrryyyy creepy ass smile. « Okay, seriously freakshow, what's with the cult leader get-up?? » (BFF/N) said « And what's with everyone dressing in all WHITE???? » I said. « You must be (BFF/N), »Daniel said and at the same time leaned closer to (BFF/N) « I heard that you were the,TROUBLEMAKER,little fella. »He said while cracking his neck. « O.....Kay? » (BFF/N) said looking a little scared. « And you must be (Y/N) »Daniel said. « Yyyyeeeaah,0kay let's just stop talking and look around and meet the others oKAY. »I said. « Why of course!Let's meet everyone! »Daniel said.We walked around for a tour and daniel showing us our tent that (BFF/N) and I will be sharing,after that,it's time to meet more fucking creepy campers wearing all white. Why.

Sorry if it was short,buuuuuuuuuUUUT you don't have to worry because I will continue,(or be lazy and shit)

(316 words) kay bye

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