Freedom! (Part 11)

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Your POV

While the other kids were having fun, Max and I was just standing inside the pool.
Should I escape? Well maybe I should.

Ok I really should escape and take off this damn collar off of me.

Max' POV

I didn't really know what to do so I decided to have a conversation with (y/n).
« So, you having a good time, sunshine-lollipops? » I asked her.

(A/n.      Lol, this is Tord's nightmare (Eddsworld)

«'s good. » she respond.
I also wanted to have fun so I decided to swim inside the water with some of the others.

Your POV

I saw Max putting his head inside the water and swim.
It's finally my chance! I can finally escape this cult place!

I got out of the water, took my towel and ran through the forest.
After a couple of minutes of running, I finally saw normal people and shops!
I ran over to one of the people.

« Please help, sir! It's very serious, he killed him/her! » I panicked.
« Ok now calm down, and what's the problem? » the adult asked me.
« Me and my friend,(bff/n), went to a camp called 'Camp Campbell' and then there was these kids and a camp counselor dressing in all white. (Bff/n) and I tried to escape that on night and then there was this cultist-like-kid named Max that kidnaped us so that we won't escape and then hE KILLED (BFF/N)! » I said a little rapidly.
« Okay now,child. I'm gonna call the police,and- um. Why are you wearing a bathing suit? » he asked.
« That's because the counselor,Daniel, said that today there was a pool party. » I explained to him.
The adult called the police and my parents came to get me.
A couple minutes later of answering the police questions, I saw my parents' car.
My parents came out of the car worried sick with pale faces.
« Oh my goodness! Are you alright? What happened to you? » my mom asked hugging me tight but I could still breathe.
« Did they hurt you? » my dad asked. I began to cry.
« Th-they... killed (bff/n)...! » I said through sobs.
« Oh my god that's terrible! » my mom said.
« Who killed him/her ? » my dad asked me.
« A c-camper named Max... » I replied.

(A/n):  you're gonna meet the non-brainwashed Max in the next part :D

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