Too cute... (part 13)

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Your POV

About 4 seconds later I was dragged by my waist.

« Aahh! » I screamed.
He giggled.
« Miss me, cupcake? » he asked while doing a cute smi- uh...
« U-umm.. » I stuttered not knowing what to say.
He then lifted me up in a bridal style and put me on top of my bed.
« Please come back and be mine again » he said while pulling out the collar I wore last time.

« Why would I go back with some killer like you? You killed (bff/n)! You Psycho! » I yelled at him.

(Omg why so frickin adorableeee ;-;)

He sighed.
« You're gonna make me do it, are you?Well, I've got no choice... » he said while sitting on his knees on the floor.

« What are you... no.. » I was cut off.
« That's right, sweetie. The nuclear option. » he said.
« You p-promised me you'd never... » I said but didn't finished.

Max: *Making adorable and sad face with puppy eyes *

« Max, I'm warning you...! » I shouted.

Max: * Making more adorable and sadder face *

« D-dont you dare..! » I shouted again.

Max: *still doing the face but with tears falling down his cheeks*

I stared at him for a moment. I got on my knees.
I sobbed.
« I h-hate you so m-uch...! » I said through sobs and hugging him tight.
He hugged me back and patting my back

« Works every time.. » he said while slightly smiling.

*flashback when (y/n) kissed Max*

« Hey Max? » I asked him.
«Yeah? » he said.
« Promise me you won't do puppy eyes to me or something... » I said to him.
He thought for a moment.
« Anything for my treasure! » he said.
I blushed of so many nicknames he gave me.
We pinkie promised and fell asleep.

*flashback over*

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